Well-Known Member
Ugghhhh....So I can't stand when people try to use me. Before I moved to California I was looking for a place to board my minis when I got here since we had planned to live in a apartment. Well this very nice lady whose actually very close to my age emailed me about boarding them at her place. We were going to until we found our house. I called her and told her that we found our own house and that the horses can stay with us. Well she was all happy and she told me stay in touch with her. So I did....I got here and got all settled in and decided to post on craigslist about wanting to start working part time at a barn cleaning stalls and stuff. Well she emailed me and told me to come on down to her new barn that she was just starting to take over. It needed alot of work...I told her to give me a call about working and we could work something out...Well she kept calling me to come work and stuff but told me not a single thing about what I was going to get. So oh well I just let it be and not work for her. Well she calls me randomly one day with this great idea. She says to me "Hey, Would you be interested in letting me use the minis for a summer camp?, Well how long will the minis be gone for? Oh three weeks like the three weeks you are going to be gone for." I say well it sounds like a good idea but I need to talk to hubby. Well before I could even give her a answer she already had my horse pinned on her website saying that I was sponsoring the minis and get this it went from being 3 weeks to 3 months!!!!! I about crapped myself. Who does she think she is doing all that stuff without my permission. So I call her up and say "Hey I just the site and the page about the summer camp." How come you didn't ask me about using my horses or anything and what happened with the three weeks. She said "Well I didn't think it would be an issue since you aren't going to be doing anything with them.... What???? Ummm I show all my horses and they are in training by me!!!!! I said well if I let you take them what do I get in return. She said well you get advertising...LOL I do that anyways I don't need your help ( No I didn't say it but I sure was thinking it). But she told me that I wouldn't get anything for them other than feeding and maybe $10 per horse.. WHAT?!?!?!? I'm sitting there thinking what the heck is this girl's issue she is making $125 per horse per session that's $375 a week for 3 months!!!!...$10 a horse thats not even going to cover the cost to get the horses down there and back since she of course doesn't have a trailer...So then I sit here I am thinking how the heck did she get that pic on her site... HEY SHE DIDN'T EVEN ASK!!! That picture she had on there was copyrighted...AND I own it... I ended up telling her no about the whole deal because it just sounded like a disaster because what would have happened if she took them and they got hurt or sick. Hmmm I am sure she wouldn't cover it...So anyhow she went on to find someone else to donate their horses for this camp of hers. Well I logged on there and low and behold my horse is STILL ON THERE!!!! I am so mad at this point. So I emailed her asking why he was still on her site....She told me she couldn't get thier logo on there and she thought it wouldn't be an issue... Yeah right.. You don't just assume crap like that. I wanted so badly to call her and tell her to prepare for court. I don't take stealing pictures lightly because I for one pay d**n good money for those professional pictures not to have someone steal them from me. Ugghhh...Why are some people so stupid... I hate being used...
Sorry if this is so long but I just couldn't get over this... I know this might be in the wrong place but I wasn't sure where to put it... LOL So feel free to move it if need be...
What do you do in case like this though???

Sorry if this is so long but I just couldn't get over this... I know this might be in the wrong place but I wasn't sure where to put it... LOL So feel free to move it if need be...
What do you do in case like this though???