Well-Known Member
Today I was doing my usual routine, cleaning the barn/ stall and a freaky thing happened that scared the you know what out of me.......my husband got a muck cart for me back in the summer, I was using a couple of buckets before and this makes the walk across the field to empty them way easier!! Well after I emptied the bucket I set it inside the barn but left the cart outside the barn. Misty and Josie have messed with it in the past like rubbing against it or just pushing it. But today.....I was in the barn and heard a ruckus outside and looked out and Misty had her head through the cart handle and was running spooked full speed with the cart flying off the side of her neck!! With my heart in my throat I tried to get her to slow down, stop, come to me but she didn't for only maybe a minute but it seemed like a long time. She then put her head down THANK GOD, and the cart came flying off. I ran over to her and calmed her down and checked her all over and she was OK! I was still shaking and felt so,so bad, I checked her all over a couple more times throughout the day. Can't seem to shake that image of my poor girl running scared and what might have happened......
Please if you use one of these keep it away from your minis especially if you see them curious or interested in it!!!

Please if you use one of these keep it away from your minis especially if you see them curious or interested in it!!!