Wanted to share a new product I found

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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Muncie, Indiana
Pledge, Fabric Sweeper for Pet Hair!!! It says for fabric, furniture, pillows, but I have also used it on the carpet and it does GREAT!!

Hand held, 2 rollers that pull the hair into a container. It says to throw away when full and do not try to empty, but the hair mats, making it easy to pull out when it gets full to keep using it. My guess is at some point that will mess up the rollers, but hasn't happened yet.

You just move it side to side, does a great job. It's $5 and depending on your pet hair, could get pricey, but the fact it contains all the hair and not just stuck to something, it will be worth it!!

At the store it was both in the pet section and near the laundry section.
Carolyn I discovered it not to long ago also and I love it. I have a green couch and 2 white cats--kind of like the comercial with the white couch and all those black cats. I wish they made a way to remove the hair and continue to use it. Will try what you did and see as my latest on is almost full.

First one I have ever found that truely works on pet hair. LOVE it.
I didn't like this product at all.. it picks up hair, but totally not worth my time.

I also vacuum my house every night and 'sweep' my sofa by hand before I vacuum..

As for indoor dogs I have three Dachshunds, one long haired. (No cats).
I'm with Boss Mare...I didn't care for it either. It does work, but it takes forever and you have to scrub pretty hard to get the hair up...vaccuming is easier and works better. I guess if it was just a small area though, the fabric sweeper would be ok.

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