watch out for Little furry catapilars!!

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Active Member
Aug 28, 2003
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My husband took this shot of me passed out for 3 hours on the couch after comming home from the Drs. I was gardening and a Catapilar stung me, not sure if you can see from the pic. but I got a rash all over me, from head to toe it looked like prickly heat. So 2 shots & meds to take at home I'm couch bound for the weekend, but I do have a great personal heating pad
Thats my baby Tekla, she's upset Mom's sick & can't play with her, Husband is taking care of the Mini's & Charlette which should be funny, they'll have their way with him nudging him to give them extra Peanut hay & Happy Hoof, God I can see the bellies hanging monday, but they'll be happy til I can get out there! Have a good weekend. Sorry about the size of Pic. How do you make pics. smaller?

Wow, I hope you are feeling better quickly! Your dog looks quite content even though you feel under the cat loves it when I am sick, she gets a nice cozy lap to sleep on.......they do try to comfort you in their own ways though don't they?
Hi Pepipony, not sure I have to call The County Extension Monday, but what we think it is something called Saddleback, very pretty, but eating my plants
OUCH!!!!! We have something called an Asp here, kinda like a caterpillar but not? LOL We didnt have them up north, but have been warned that they some painfull little critters. Hope you are feeling better!
Oh you poor thing!!! We have some pretty caterpillars around here too and I've found out that they can leave a nasty sting, with rashes and hives, and not a good situation especially if one is prone to beathing problems. I hope your rash goes away quickly and you start to feel better. Your puppy sure looks content tho!!
Good heavens that's horrible. You must have been so sick. Hope by now you are doing much better and oh, love the dog cuddling with you. How sweet that is.

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