My husband took this shot of me passed out for 3 hours on the couch after comming home from the Drs. I was gardening and a Catapilar stung me, not sure if you can see from the pic. but I got a rash all over me, from head to toe it looked like prickly heat. So 2 shots & meds to take at home I'm couch bound for the weekend, but I do have a great personal heating pad
Thats my baby Tekla, she's upset Mom's sick & can't play with her, Husband is taking care of the Mini's & Charlette which should be funny, they'll have their way with him nudging him to give them extra Peanut hay & Happy Hoof, God I can see the bellies hanging monday, but they'll be happy til I can get out there! Have a good weekend. Sorry about the size of Pic. How do you make pics. smaller?