ohmt, I was not even implying anything about your post, you are correct about how some people want to make their wins or horses more than what they really were. They might just not know how to word it correctly. Showing is not easy for everyone, some people just go with the flow, others (like me) find it very hard. Regardless of where you show though, you should be proud of your wins. And while I know World Class isn't another AMHR or AMHA, it was someplace that I had a lot of fun and met some wonderful friends. We learned a lot and were proud of how our horses did, and maybe they do have some issues about papers, they will still let you show so whats the big deal. If they are so useless, does it really matter, as long as you get to show. There is so much negative not only in the world but here on this forum, why try to beat someone up and make them feel like they are wrong for wanting to go to a show to have fun and learn. Bottom line if papers are what make your horses important, then everyone would have theirs up to date in the big registries.