I have read several posts in the past about people weaning based on the Farmers' Almanac and the signs of the moon. I wasn't conviced to say the least. Last night, the decision was made that today (November 2, 2011) was the day that the rest of my babies would be weaned to avoid dealing with cool weather coming this weekend. I looked it up and found out that it was within the Farmers' Almanac "days to wean". This morning, I walked the babies to the barn without their mares. No screaming, no complaining. They all ate their breakfast. Then we went back outside a few hours later - one last time to nurse. After they were done, they all walked right back into their foal pen and have been happy campers since. The mares went right back about their business - none missed a beat, kept right on eating. This 100% is fluke or completely worked! I'm not sure yet, but everything is going as planned and this has been, by far, the least stressful weaning on our farm for EVERYONE involved.