weaning time

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I wean on a case by case basis depending on both the mare and foal. I do a gradual process and seems that I have very little stress from either the mare or the foal. My mares and foals are out together and all develop a good bond. At weaning time I then remove the mare and put her with other friends and the baby is still in his comfort zone with the other mare and foals. After a week or so again depending on that particular foal I will move them to the barn to get used to being alone in a stall but with other horses around. I have a couple of mares that appear to be just about done with their young ones at about the three month mark and a couple that like to keep them around a bit longer. Just depends.

I weaned Briar at 6 months. It was a non-issue. I didn't "prepare" her for it. I was grooming her away from her mother for months and months before that. At six months of age, the foals are very independent and nursing a lot less anyways. Since I'm limited on space, my "weaning" was simply putting her in a stall next to her mother. She could see her but never nursed from her again. I actually put them back out together after three weeks and she never nursed from her again. When she was sold, she went on the trailer without any issues. Got off the trailer and said hi to her new gang. She was a very confident, strong foal. Lexus wasn't upset when she left either (like Jayne said, she was happy to see her go, I suspect).
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Well, I brought what I did with the BHs with me into Minis and I bred the Arabs at two, but prefer to wait with the Minis till three, and I weaned the Arabs at five months (ish!) and I do the same with the Minis.

I just would not think them ready, or their gut matured enough, by three months, to wean them.

I have weaned at this age when there has been a medical reason, but this has involved milk substitute and a special diet.

I have also raised form birth without a dam, and these foals wean onto feed by age one month, but no way are they "weaned" they stayed on milk substitute and extra feed right through to five months like the others.

Once the milk hairs on the nose have fallen out the foals digestive acids have changed form rennin, which digests milk, to pepsin, which digests proteins, until this happens there is no way they are ready, physically, to be weaned, but this happening does not mean that they are ready, mentally, to be weaned.
todays seperation went way better than yesterday! the mare didnt whinney at all today.

i do feel they are ready to be weaned, but by the time i get to the point of them not being together at all ( even at nite) it will likley be the end of may or into june.

oh and regardless of the age they are weaned at, all foals get some Equine junior 2x a day untill they are done growing.

i love how there are so many opinions!!
I tend to wean from 5 - 6 months. So that means somtime around October/Nov. I wean then so the mare isnt trying to support herself and a foal at foot heading into winter and possibly being in foal again.

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