I know several members do web page design professionally. I have a queston about bandwidth. It would be great if one of you could look at the website I maintain and tell me exactly what items on it are causing the most bandwidth use.
Do I need to remove whole pages? Use fewer pictures on each page? Would it help to make some of the pages into off-page, jpg links?
I can upgrade to more bandwidth, but I don't want to if I don't have to. The site is paid for out of members' dues and is a simply a communicaton tool, as we don't have anything to sell.
I receive warnings from the webhost that I am close to exceeding my bandwidth limit. I am only at 80%, but it is obviously something I need to research. I am allowed 1000 MB per month.
Here is the site I maintain:
Thanks for any help!
Do I need to remove whole pages? Use fewer pictures on each page? Would it help to make some of the pages into off-page, jpg links?
I can upgrade to more bandwidth, but I don't want to if I don't have to. The site is paid for out of members' dues and is a simply a communicaton tool, as we don't have anything to sell.
I receive warnings from the webhost that I am close to exceeding my bandwidth limit. I am only at 80%, but it is obviously something I need to research. I am allowed 1000 MB per month.
Here is the site I maintain:
Thanks for any help!