Weird Habbits.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2005
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So we have had weird fears and weird food likes so now lets have "Whats your weird habbits?"

Okay mine......

Once I have feed my horse some grain I always sprinkle the last few bits of grain along there back for goodluck. I have done it since I started riding and I always will.

I always eat the yukky parts of my dinner first and the yummiest last to keep the good favours in my mouth.

And the night before Christmas I always stay up really really late so I can fall asleep early on the night Santa comes :bgrin

Okay and now yours...........!!
If I eat multi colored candy (mm's, smarties, skittles, ect) I always sort the colors and then eat them until I have an equal number of each color. Then I eat them in groups of one of each color so that I maintain the same number of pieces of each color equally. I have done this since I was a little kid.
I do that M&M thing too! I also just recently noticed that when I don't have anything to do with my hands I bend back my pinkie finger with my index finger on the same hand, hard to explain but it's pretty weird LOL. I always move my legs and if I can't move my legs then I move my hands or something else, I'm always fidgeting. Can't think of anything else at the moment but I know there is much more!
Mine is more of a fetish or obcession.

You wouldn't believe it.

Keeps my family shocked
Ok mine has to do with my endless video collection.

It's like a rule around here that I invented that you can only watch videos that correspond with the time of year/season that we are in.

On Memorial Day, that is the beginning of summertime in my book so I begin to watch Jaws. 1, 2, 3, and 4. Everyday. I have to watch atleast one Jaws a day. I take out my little china shark collection and place it on the tv while I watch. Visual Aids you know. When it's over, I return them to the china cabinet until the next day. I will also watch any other sea creature type movie during the summertime. The Beast, The Creature, etc. On Saturday mornings I will then watch "The Beach Boys, An American Dream" every single Saturday while I do housework. This will last until September 1, Labor Day when summer is over and they all go back in storage. No more ocean type movies.

On September 1st I get geared up for the fall and so I can then begin my regimine of scarry movies. I begin with the Legend Of Sleepy Hollow, Disney style, and then progress down the line to the others. One per day until and including Halloween October 31st. I have every Buffy the Vampire ever made and that is another one that must be watched daily during that month. I can cram years of Buffy into one month. Then they get put away for another year.

On November 1st, the fun begins. I can watch any holiday movie that pertains to Thanksgiving. That doesn't leave a lot so mostly it is the Miracle on 34th Street for the next 3 weeks and a Walton's Thanksgiving. Every day.

On Thanksgiving, we will then watch a Miracle on 34th street, all three different versions that I have.

On the Day after Thanksgiving, we can then begin all the Christmas movies. I have every Christmas movie you can think of. We will watch as many as possible perday and pernight until the day after Christmas. On Christmas Eve night, Jerry and I also cuddle up to watch White Christmas with Bing Crosby. Our all time favorite.

On the day after Christmas, all holiday movies go away till next year.

Then, only winter oriented movies until spring. Any kind of movies that involve snow and ice and winter.
Well....I'm a compulsive counter.

I count everything. I count the eggs when I take them out of the carton (as if I didn't already know there's gonna be 12) and put them on the frig door - I count sodas as I take them from the case to put them in the frig. If I'm picking things up - I count how many I pick up. If I'm pulling weeds, same thing.........

Anybody else do this????? Interestingly enough - found out a couple of months ago that my sister does the same thing.
Ahhh yes, this is a type of OCD, I do it too, and count stairs, and hay flakes, and,and, and, lol. As long as you don't get to the point where it interferes with every day life you're ok. :bgrin

I have more quirks then habits.

I cant sleep with even a single piece of light in my room.

I won't eat bruised fruits.

I used to count sentences with my fingers so I would flick my fingers 20 times for this sentence.
I count EVERYTHING. multiple times. I keep a log in my head of how many calories i eat in a day.

I sort my food. Like if i am eating a salad, i sort it until i have a pile of lettuce, a pile of tomatoes, cukes, etc.

I always leave the doors of my truck unlocked, no matter where I go. I guess I have a fear of locking myself out. I work night shifts foaling out standardbreds at a big racing farm, so in the morning i start my truck 15 minutes early to defrost it, well i have to roll down my drivers side window in fear that I will accidentally lock it and my keys will be locked in.

I press the unlock button multiple times before i shut the door behind me.

The Ironic part is, my back slider window latch is broken, so if i locked myself out, all i would have to do is get in the bed of the truck and climb thru the back window
: .

I am a neat freak in the barn, at home and work. Every time i throw hay, I sweep the aisles behind me.

I have to have my bed covers tucked in a certain way, or i cant sleep.

When given a napkin or paper towell (I.e, with food or ice cream or something) I have to throw it away before i can eat or touch the food. I hate napkins and paper towells with a burning passion. Lol which reminds me last Sunday in church, there was a small boy in front of me that was EATING a napkin, chewing on it then taking it out of his mouth and stuffing the wet bits in his ears. I almost had to get up and walk away for fear of throwing up. LOL kinda off topic but it bothered me really bad.

This is not even the half of it. I am extremely Obcessive compulsive!

Oh yea and I have this weird habbit of coming on this site morning and night

Things have to match.....if I scratch my ear then the other has to be scratched too......

The worst habit I've had since about 9 years old...It's some kind of an affliction I think. I make words from the first letter of every word in each of the lasts words I say OR think and then say it in my head... it drives me nuts! i-d-m-n...."Idmn" see
: and am very happy when it forms an actual word..
I eat chips in order of selectivity. I look in the bag and select the NMEC (Next Most Edible Chip) and that's the one I get. One at a time. Drives the spousal unit up a tree. I even have a criteria for the selection order.

Sandwiches absolutely HAVE to be cut at a diagonal. They taste better that way. :bgrin

Liz R.
I can not write when people are watching me. I devolped a sence so that in school i know when the teacher is looking over my shoulder, i will stop writting look back at them, and turn my paper over. i will not let them read it until it's time to hand it in. I will not let people look at any of my work until i edit it. I will not let anyone see my digital photogrphy till i run it through an editing program. i have no clue why i do this, but i do and it makes people and myself laugh. but sometimes my teachers have a problem with it, so i have to explain to them that i don't know why it bugs me but it does and they just have to trust that i'm doing the work.
Well, here is my list:

1-I am double jointed in all my fingers and so when I can't think of an answer or I have a barin fart, I will sit there popping my fingers in double jointed and out of double jointed.

2- I count steps/stairs

3-Examine people and then talk to them.

4-same as stormo
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2- I count steps/stairs

3-Examine people and then talk to them.
i do those too! i guess i'm so used to doing them i forgot about them :p

i also fidget and like to work. i will do peoples home work just so i can be doing something, but i only get like that sometimes.

i shake my leg, but i think lots of people do that, i hit a nerve in my foot or something and it starts bouncing, it's quite funny.

i walk really fast in the hall ways at school, and in the mall and...well everywhere, but i take twice as long to walk down stairs for a frear of falling through them...don't ask it leads into a childhood story. :lol:
Nila, I do that too! If I take a handful of smarties or some other multi-colored candy, I sort them into color groups. If there are three red and four blue, I have to eat the fourth blue one so that everything matches. Then I can eat the others.
Chocolate bars. Especially chocolate bars with nugget, cookie, or carmal in I have to eat the chocolate off first. Then I can eat the insides!
Chocolate bars. Especially chocolate bars with nugget, cookie, or carmal in I have to eat the chocolate off first. Then I can eat the insides!
YEP!! They taste better that way!! I do that too. :bgrin

I have to smell my food before I eat it aswell and if it doesn't smell good I won't eat it.

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