Well, fate has showen favor on me this time...

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Chaos Ranch

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2003
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Northeast Arkansas
I have been horse-less for a few months now...and absolutely hating it ! Yesterday Donnie came home from work and tells me that a friend of ours has two horses that he'd give me if I wanted them. Though I was very very sick (salmonilla poisioning) I got up and headed over there to see them. One is a smaller quarter pony mare with a big blaze and the other is a fair sized Mustang gelding. They are 3 and 4 years old. They were in very good flesh, and seemed pretty mellow. I said we would take them.

My friend is letting me put them there for as long as I want, and Donnie has put feelers out for some pasture we can lease. Too bad I just sold my horse trailer last month.
Another friend of ours is going to go over and pick them up for us.

I am beginning to worry about the horse situation here. Just days ahead of that a friend gave my father in law two horses... nearly starved little look-alike mustang mares. We're going to help him de-worm them and get them into good health. He doesn't know how to do it. Then while talking to this other friend of ours we find out that he knows of about half a dozen horses here and there that have been given away, mare and foal pairs that sold for 50. and a horse that sold at the auction for 10. :DOH! Poor horses...

We were driving around to check out a miniature stud, shetland mare, and miniature donkey and on the way there we seen at least a dozen horses in different pastures that looked half starved. Ribs and hips sticking out. It's really not looking too good for livestock right now. The little stud, shetland, and donkey we seen were in a mud pit... another horse layed dead on the side of the hill. A pretty litlte pinto mare who fell through the pond and drowned a week ago. The pond was their only source of water and she walked out on the ice to get a drink and fell through. I told the man the donkey needed attention, he had labored breathing and a lobbed over ear... kept shaking his head and kept that one hear flopped over and you could tell it hurt him when you touched it. He sure was a cutie tho.

It's going to be good to have a horse agian. They're not miniatures... but Donnie and I would like to get enough horses that all of us can go riding together as a family. That would be neat. I will take pictures when I get them home.
What a blessing! Horses again! It's so sad about the sick and starved horses. I'm praying something will work out so they can get the help and nourishment they need. I know you'll do your best. We all look forward to seeing pictures of your horses when you get a chance. I'm praying that you'll be feeling better yourself.

Take care and God bless,

Congrats on the new horses
. I can't wait to see pics, especially of the mustang. I hope the other horses and donkey get some health care and food soon

Thats wonderful!! I
know you were missing having horses!!

Yes do post pix when you can- we want to share in your joy..
No more horselessness!!!

seeing that more and more... got an e-mail yesterday that someone is giving away a handful of thorobreds. i guess i should count my blessings that we managed to find homes for the ones we needed to move! whenmy mom decided to stop riding she said to give her horse away and it took 3 months to find someone to take her, a healthy, ridable mare! but we were patient and kept asking around and found her a great home...

anyway congrats on yours and hope the others find someone to care for them as well!
Used to a person could find a good home for a horse with just a few phone calls... but with the costs involved in caring for them, the space and shelter needed for them, and the time it's required to tend to them and care for them it's nearly impossible to find good homes for them.

I want my kids outside working or riding the horses in stead of sitting in the house playing a video game. It's pretty sad that most of the kids in their school don't know which end of a horse you put the bit in.

My father in law decided that he doesn't know enough about what he's doing to take care of those two mustang mares so he gave those to us as well. So now I suppose we are up to 4 horses. Good think my neighbors bale hay all around me, and I have good pasture access. Sure do wish I hand't of sold my horse trailer though...that really would have come in handy right about now.
I am constantly getting calls to help find a home for horses. It is so sad. I just found a home for 2 beautiful quarter horses, very well cared for but the lady who owned them broke her hip and is in her early 60's, she just hated the thought of giving up her pals, but thought it was best for the sake of her horses. I found a home within 10 miles of where they were and the ex-owner has all the visitation right she wants. That one worked out so good, and I love a happy ending.

I am so happy that you are no longer horse-less, and it is too bad you sold your trailer. I know what you mean about that..we downsized with our big trailer, 4 horse side load, gooseneck, and sold it, after I went into minis, luckily we still had our older small trailer, 2 horse bumper pull, but that one was a 1987 model...did I say old..its ANCIENT, but it still was in good shape. There are so many times I wished we would of kept our big one, sometimes you just need all the extra room, but my small little ancient one is still looking good and going strong.
but I sure do miss the big one.
Oh boy - from zero to 4 "bigs"! That'll be a change!
Wow it sure will be a change!!! It's been 8 years since I've had more than 2 biggies at a time. Sure glad I have so many people around here that are willing to help me out. The man that's going to pick two of them up for me came over earlier today and he told me he'd give me some riding lessons on his big gelding!!! Whooo hooo.. I've ridden before, but I'm sure I didn't do it right.
I'm really getting excited..won't be many more hours and I'll be able to hug their necks and just smell them... ohhhh my.... can barely wait
WAAAHHHOOOOEY !!! They are here !!!!

The little sorrel mare's name is Gypsy. She's a sweet as apple pie too! Big pretty blaze. She's kid broke too. Come to find out she's been exposed to a sorrel and white pinto stud for a late spring early summer foal. Who knows if she's bred or not... doesn't matter to me at all.

The gelding is named Duke.
He's pretty big.. not like a 16 hander or anything, but he's built like a bulldog.
He's a black bay with a star and a snip. Come to find out he's a BLM mustang that was foaled in captivity.

I am very excited to get them home, and I'm going to try to get over there and take pictures of them tomorrow. Whooo hoo.. happy me happy me !!!

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