Well-Known Member
When I went to put my two yearlings out, I noticed that my colt's eye looked weird-a bluish haze to it and it was cloudy. It didn't seem to bother him, but after the reading I've done on here (which of course had me thinking the worst case scenario) it was really bothering me!!!
: I bathed it with pure warm water which he seemed to enjoy. I had the vet out and he stained the eye and says that it isn't anything serious-probably just bumped it on something but to keep him out of the sun and to put special cream on it for the next few days.
A year ago I'd never even thought about having a miniature horse and now we have two and a half (put down payment on a foal that we will get when she is weaned later in the summer) and are looking for more!!! Our standardbreds like my colt (the first mini I got) but aren't impressed with our filly (we've had her a month)...oh well, I guess they'd better get used to them because they're here to stay!!

A year ago I'd never even thought about having a miniature horse and now we have two and a half (put down payment on a foal that we will get when she is weaned later in the summer) and are looking for more!!! Our standardbreds like my colt (the first mini I got) but aren't impressed with our filly (we've had her a month)...oh well, I guess they'd better get used to them because they're here to stay!!