Well-Known Member
I took Wednesday off work and my daughter had it off so we decided to go on a road trip. It was supposed to be a nice sunny dry day. Wrong! But what the heck we didn't hit the rain until half way to Elma, WA. We were hoping the rain would stop but that wasn't in the future of the day.
It was a nice pleasant drive and we were just having fun. I was full of anticipation of meeting Dorothy and getting to see my Duckie. I do miss having her around.
So after a nice trip and the yucky rain we made it to Dorothys. I was watching and out in the pasture I was able to pick out my Duck when we were driving up. She actually heard my daughters car and her head came up, watching us pull up to the gate. Titus (Pyrenese) and Mick (Border Collie) were right there to greet us and let Dorothy know she had company. We got parked and the introductions were completed. We talked for a bit then headed out to the barn.
Wow, I love her barn. Having grown up on Dairy Farms I have a passion for the old barns being converted into miniature horse or even big horse barns. If I could have just gotten it on my daughters Saturn Vue to bring home. They have done such a wonderful job of converting it. Duckies stall as do most has a window and according to Dorothy Duckie enjoys standing and watching the world go by outside.
We talked for a bit more then headed out to get The Duck. My daughter called out to her first then me. Of course she recognized us right away and was happy to see us. Dorothy brought her out of the pasture and we slowly moved back toward the barn. By now a little wet and ready to just hug and give Duckie some kisses. I had planned to take pictures, brought the camera, but it would have gotten drowned in the rain. Next time we will get pics.
Duckie has pretty much shed out and even wearing her blanket she was shivering in the cold so Dorothy pulled her clothes and put on two layers. We stood and talked while The Duck got her kisses and hugs also warming up. Dorothy said I could tie her to the post so I did. At which point Duckie having worked with Dorothy on backing up decided to show off by backing around the post. It was quite cute to watch. Dorothy has also been working with her on the side step so was showing us that. This is when I got to see the wheels turning in Duckies head. There was a post there and she didn't find it to be a good idea to side step toward the post. So move her past the post and Duckie side stepped. Dorothy is a great trainer and once again I would recommend her to anyone who wants a good driving horse.
After visiting with Duckie for a bit, who is doing great in Dorothys care, we took her back out to her friend so they could play. Then Dorothy introduced us to the other horses. Wow! pastures are full of color. What beautiful horses she has there. We discussed each and I feel like I know them. Some more than others. Then a little gelding decided he wanted to sniff noses with the one on the other side of the fence. Did I mention she has the rope fencing. Well snap and he was running.
Poor little guy was really hit with that electricity. He did know it was a hot fence not sure why he did that. With the wet ground, he was wet, and it was raining I know it really hurt. Made you want to just go hug him and make him feel better.
We headed back to the barn as we were all soaked by now in the rain, Duckie followed as far as she could. We did some more visiting and she explained more about how Duckie is doing in training and how much she is enjoying working with her. Yep! Thats my girl. I checked out all her carts while I was there, in my dreams I could own such nice turnouts. Then we got to know each other a little better away from the horse stuff. We were by now very wet, very cold and it was getting late. We were looking forward to having Dinner at a restaurant in town called the Rusty Tractor. They serve Yak meat and that and a warm cup of coffee was sounding great to me. So it was time to say our goodbyes. I said goodbye to Titus who is very sweet. I turned to say goodbye to Mick who I thought had become my friend, well he just slowly and quite deliberately turned his back and just meandered away. Rude!
So we got in the car heading out the gate I was watching The Duck. Well she was watching us. I held back the tears as I watched her head following as we headed out on the road toward home. She didn't take her eyes off the car. But she wouldn't fit and she needs to complete this training for her.
I've decided my next trip will be in May. Hoping the weather will be nicer and Susanne is going to make that trip along with me. She's always up for a road trip and this one she will really enjoy. I'm hoping by then Duckie will be hitched and driving so I can get a ride behind her. For me a dream come true.
It was a nice pleasant drive and we were just having fun. I was full of anticipation of meeting Dorothy and getting to see my Duckie. I do miss having her around.
So after a nice trip and the yucky rain we made it to Dorothys. I was watching and out in the pasture I was able to pick out my Duck when we were driving up. She actually heard my daughters car and her head came up, watching us pull up to the gate. Titus (Pyrenese) and Mick (Border Collie) were right there to greet us and let Dorothy know she had company. We got parked and the introductions were completed. We talked for a bit then headed out to the barn.
Wow, I love her barn. Having grown up on Dairy Farms I have a passion for the old barns being converted into miniature horse or even big horse barns. If I could have just gotten it on my daughters Saturn Vue to bring home. They have done such a wonderful job of converting it. Duckies stall as do most has a window and according to Dorothy Duckie enjoys standing and watching the world go by outside.
We talked for a bit more then headed out to get The Duck. My daughter called out to her first then me. Of course she recognized us right away and was happy to see us. Dorothy brought her out of the pasture and we slowly moved back toward the barn. By now a little wet and ready to just hug and give Duckie some kisses. I had planned to take pictures, brought the camera, but it would have gotten drowned in the rain. Next time we will get pics.
Duckie has pretty much shed out and even wearing her blanket she was shivering in the cold so Dorothy pulled her clothes and put on two layers. We stood and talked while The Duck got her kisses and hugs also warming up. Dorothy said I could tie her to the post so I did. At which point Duckie having worked with Dorothy on backing up decided to show off by backing around the post. It was quite cute to watch. Dorothy has also been working with her on the side step so was showing us that. This is when I got to see the wheels turning in Duckies head. There was a post there and she didn't find it to be a good idea to side step toward the post. So move her past the post and Duckie side stepped. Dorothy is a great trainer and once again I would recommend her to anyone who wants a good driving horse.
After visiting with Duckie for a bit, who is doing great in Dorothys care, we took her back out to her friend so they could play. Then Dorothy introduced us to the other horses. Wow! pastures are full of color. What beautiful horses she has there. We discussed each and I feel like I know them. Some more than others. Then a little gelding decided he wanted to sniff noses with the one on the other side of the fence. Did I mention she has the rope fencing. Well snap and he was running.

We headed back to the barn as we were all soaked by now in the rain, Duckie followed as far as she could. We did some more visiting and she explained more about how Duckie is doing in training and how much she is enjoying working with her. Yep! Thats my girl. I checked out all her carts while I was there, in my dreams I could own such nice turnouts. Then we got to know each other a little better away from the horse stuff. We were by now very wet, very cold and it was getting late. We were looking forward to having Dinner at a restaurant in town called the Rusty Tractor. They serve Yak meat and that and a warm cup of coffee was sounding great to me. So it was time to say our goodbyes. I said goodbye to Titus who is very sweet. I turned to say goodbye to Mick who I thought had become my friend, well he just slowly and quite deliberately turned his back and just meandered away. Rude!
So we got in the car heading out the gate I was watching The Duck. Well she was watching us. I held back the tears as I watched her head following as we headed out on the road toward home. She didn't take her eyes off the car. But she wouldn't fit and she needs to complete this training for her.
I've decided my next trip will be in May. Hoping the weather will be nicer and Susanne is going to make that trip along with me. She's always up for a road trip and this one she will really enjoy. I'm hoping by then Duckie will be hitched and driving so I can get a ride behind her. For me a dream come true.