Lil Timber Buck
Well-Known Member
I am totally new to the mini horse tack world. I know that in the big horse world that I am used to, Weaver leather is my preferred choice because it is always high quality, soft, supple wonderful leather. In the mini horse world, I have ran into a lot of the plastic halters, nylon halters or the "fake" leather ones if you know what I mean...I call it Indian Leather. Anyway, can someone recommend somewhere to get a nice all around leather halter to be used every day and that could also go in the show ring? Nothing really flashy or blingy at all, just a nice polished double stiched halter (maybe amish made) with silver (not real silver, just not brass colored) hardware? Adjustable nosebands are a plus. THANKS!!! Something similar to what I have for my big horses shown here: