What a day...

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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2004
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Western OR
Well, we did finally figure out two things: How to deal with Nathan's weird fighting the bottle thing, and why we were having nightly (sometimes multiple times daily) screaming crying fits from the little big man.

Seems Nathan is very routine oriented... and I (we?) were letting him stay up too late. He wasn't napping when he needed to, or going to bed when he needed to... which resulted in a very TIRED baby boy who would scream and kick and... generally make life miserable. Things have improved greatly since we figured this out...

And our little man is now being fed four ounces (or however much he wants up to four ounces) without being burped between. He stops eating for half an hour or so if you stop to burp him, and thus... gets unhappy.

He's also attempting quite often to roll himself over. If he could just figure out where he needs to put his arm, he'd have it
I just wish he'd stop trying to roll over ON ME when I'm feeding him LOL

Sadly, he's still waking up 3 times (or more) at night *sob* He usually goes to bed between 6:30 and 7:30pm, wakes up at 10pm, then 12am, then 2am, then 5am (those are rough time frames... give or take an hour here and there) to eat. I usually hit the hay around 10pm, but if I get to sleep before midnight it's a good night ... I just am having an easy time getting to sleep lately.

He's got a Dr's appointment in early December, a few days before my birthday, as I recall- we'll find out how much he weighs, how much he's grown, and he'll get more shots (Oh please god(s)/goddess(es), no... )... and I'll ask the pediatrician about solid foods. He'll be 4 months old in weeks, but... not in months (confusing thing...)

I also plan on asking her about ways to get him to start sleeping through the night, and ways to get him to start putting himself back to sleep. I can lay him down now at night shortly after a feeding, and he'll put himself to sleep.... but during the day, and earlier in the night... no way. I'm not sure if I want to let him "cry it out" yet, or what else can be done. I do try to wait until I can tell he's not gonna go to sleep to get him.

Today was a bad day- he didn't have much of a morning nap, and thus... spent half an hour crying/screaming in my good ear, because I didn't want to spend half an hour standing up rocking him. Then he was short on sleep for his afternoon nap, too. Yargh... he did more crying and fussing this evening, but nowhere near as badly as before.

He also got cereal with applesauce. He was watching me eat ice cream... very very intently... and at one point, when I put the spoon up to my mouth, he opened his mouth.
He's not had cereal for awhile, since he didn't need it and wasn't too interested. He made me feel guilty for eating in front of him, and kept licking his lips, sticking his tongue out, and opening his mouth as I ate

Say, here's a few new pics. They're cruddy cheap digicam pics, but... better than nothing?



More in the next post
What a darling baby boy you got there.
Hope you get your sleeping arrangments worked out soon.
Wow, I'd be beat by now. He sure is cute though
, sounds like he's the light of your life.
Very cute little man you have there.

Try putting some cereal in his bottle at night. It made a big difference in my friends kids. As soon as she started doing that her kids started sleeping through the night.

with my kids the feeding routine was simple, just feed them. But with the grandkids, dr's said dont give them cereal they dont need anything but the bottle, formula till they are like a year old. Any one else?

Well I put cereal in the bottle for my oldest and it helped alot. This is a child that didnt sleep all night till he was like three years old. A joy in my life, but.... a trial also.

A question for you, Could he have a little colic? Could be the reason he gets so cranky?
I don't think it's colic. If we get him to sleep when he's ready, there's not really any fussing. It can be hard to tell when he's getting sleepy though... it's really easy to miss the signs until he's getting "too tired".

I have tried cereal- though not in his bottle. Tried it several times, and nothing much yet. Though he didn't eat as much last night as usual, so there may be hope! I've always given it to him with a spoon, and mixed it with formula and applesauce. He hates the taste of it without the "flavoring" LOL

He's been wonderful today, and he rolled over twice ON HIS OWN!! ... he was on a slight incline, though. We'll see later if it's "for real", but I think it is. He figured it out after a half dozen times of me helping him finish the roll by pulling him over that last little bit. He was so close- he was already able to get on his side and stay there, it was just the last little bit he didn't get

<.< We also had a 2 hour nap together. I keep falling asleep with him in my lap in my computer chair >.>
What a beautiful baby! Glad you have a routine figured out. One of life's great mysteries is why mommies are sleep deprived when their bodies/mind/spirit are recovering from delivery. That's a great idea....nap when he naps!

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