What Are You Reading This Winter?

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Thanks, Matt and Sonya! I will use my next Audible credits to get The Passage. It sounds like a great book!
I have the S.K. book The Wind Through the Keyhole. But I'm not reading it.

I, yes me, is on the cover of the UK version dust jacket and I have a copy coming from the UK (thanks to a lovely lady) and I'm waiting until it comes to read it!
Really neat, Robin. You will have to scan in the cover so we can see!

I just finished The Wind Through the Keyhole and it was an ok read. I'm sure it is just me but to me the SK newer books are not as good as the older ones.

I am reading the second book of the Millenium Trilogy, The Girl Who Played with Fire and am really enjoying it.
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Lois, I think those will be next up for me after the Keyhole. I've been trying to decide between those and the Hunger Games? And will be reading The Passage soon, too. It gives me a cozy feeling to have a backlog of good books!!!
Well i love to read, problem is the farm. You know how rednecks have a gun rack in the back window of their pickup, well I keep books in the sleeves behind the seats, so I can read while hubby drives to sales, shows, etc. seems to be the only time I have avaliable. Right now the book in the truck is by Chevy Stevens, at least I think that is the author, duh! Can't even remember the name, but I did read a quarter of it last weekend, and it's about a woman and her daughter, we're going to Ohio this weekend so maybe I'll get to read some more and get back to you guys with the title. I love the scenery but hate the D.C beltway and 270 so that is when I read, it's so much better then being scared to death of idiot drivers.
Jill, I'd go with Larsson's books....way better than the Hunger Games IMO.
That sounds like a plan, Sonya... and I thought to check with the guy I get a lot of audio books from, and he does have The Passage which I'm going to download later today, I think. So, I don't have to wait for my new credits from Audible. So maybe that one? Or Keyhole? Or the Larsson series? I love knowing there's more good books to enjoy
... I think it's less than 30 minutes left on the latest Sookie book.
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I loved the Passage and already preorder The Twelve. Larsson series was very good. Not sure what I will read next.
I was able to get the download of The Passage to work last night. I started the Millenium series... I was up late listening to it last night, and to and from the office today. I wasn't sure i liked it at first, but it is getting good now!
My next book to read is one of hub's paperback westerns out of his stash. It is by Zane Grey. The setting is in Mormon country. I never gave much thought to Mormons until Romney came on the scene and now their wedding customs are in discussion on here as well so no doubt it will be both entertaining and enlightening reading.

I had to give up on The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I just couldn't get into the book
I was almost halfway through it and didn't look forward to reading it each day/night.
wish i did like it because lots of my friends and even sister did.
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Some books are like that even when we expect them to be good. Let us know what you are reading next.

I just finished the third book of the Millenium trilogy and loved them all.

I just started reading White Seed, The Untold Story of the Lost Colony of Roanoke by Paul Clayton. Will let you know if I liked it when I have finished it. It is a total change from what I have been reading.
I'm reading a series now that I am loving. It's not heavy reading, but just so much fun and I just love it.

Molly Harper's "Nice Girls" series. I'm on #4, which is the most recent of the series. The maicharacterser reminds me so much of Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum (if she were wittier and had fangs!) that I looked on the internet to see if others thought Molly Harper might be a pen name... The writing style feels so similar as well. The books are funny, and suspenseful with some surprises. The characters are so easy to get into and care about.

NEXT UP: The Passage. Cued up on my phone, ready to roll
Then, the Keyhole book
Lois, let me know how you like that Roanoke Colony book. That's something that has fascinated me since I was in elementary school!
Yesterday, I finished White Seed, The Untold Story of the Lost Colony of Roanoke by Paul Clayton, It was a nice read. Not a "can't put it down" story but a good summer read....a good story about what could have happened.

Now I am starting Beneath the Same Sky by David Remirez. We went to New Mexico in April and were stopped at a checkpoint by the border patrol (we were near the Mexico border). So I think it will be an interesting read.

btw...I loved New Mexico! It was so pretty and the people we met were friendly...although I think most of them were tourists like us. lol
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Lois, both the books you mention sound good to me!

On our road trip today, H and I listened to about 2/3 of The Hunger Games. He really likes it, and I do, too
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Just started The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin (again)

One of my favorite books! Highly recommended.
I noticed in Sam's Club today that Janet Evanovich has an audio on some characters Lizzie and Diesel? That is new to me. I have to do all the Stephanie Plum ones first...have only done one and it was amazing. I bought it in a used book store next to my hotel while I was at grandson's state ball tournament. Stephanie Plum reminds me way too much of me. When men at work say something out of line to me I ask myself WWSPS (what would Stephanie Plum say?) Then I speak and insult them and they are all the more determined to show a display of unwarranted redneck charm. I think Stephanie is trapped inside me. I KNOW what she is going to say even before I read it.
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Vickie -- That book is a take off on those "Between the Plums" "Holiday" novellas from the Stephanie Plum series. Diesel is in each of those four books. Then his books are Wicked Appetite (is that the one you got?) and Wicked Business (which comes out in audio, I think, on June 26!). I have the first one and am waiting to listen to it until the second one is out. I like the Diesel character! He has / is supernatural, which isn't like any of the Plum books other than those four Holiday novellas, but not in a far out / hard to relate to way. I thought the holiday novellas were seamless extensions of the basic Plum series. Love them!!!

The Novellas are: Visions of Sugar Plums (Plum 8.5), Plum Lovin (Plum 12.5), Plum Lucky (Plum 13.5) and Plum Spooky (Plum 14.5)
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