I have decided that since I can't find a trainer in my area that I feel comfortable sending my horses too that I will start learning on my own. Plus, I think it would be a great accomplishment to teach my own horses to drive. I went to Tractor Supply tonight and got a book on long lining. I'll be doing that for a while. I like this book because it tells you some problems that could come up and then gives you solutions. I have been working with horses off and on for almost 30 years and have trained oneto ride and have ridden many different horses from very green to very broke. It's been a while, but I've got time to learn. I have found a trainer that will come to your house and give you lessons. She gives you homework which is good and you work on that until your next lesson. Plus, I have my dear friend Jill to help too.
I'm due to have my baby in a month. I figure three months of taking it easy and then can start slow on working with my guys which puts me in the summer time. I'm in no rush.

I'm due to have my baby in a month. I figure three months of taking it easy and then can start slow on working with my guys which puts me in the summer time. I'm in no rush.