What are your favorite driving books and videos?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2004
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I have decided that since I can't find a trainer in my area that I feel comfortable sending my horses too that I will start learning on my own. Plus, I think it would be a great accomplishment to teach my own horses to drive. I went to Tractor Supply tonight and got a book on long lining. I'll be doing that for a while. I like this book because it tells you some problems that could come up and then gives you solutions. I have been working with horses off and on for almost 30 years and have trained oneto ride and have ridden many different horses from very green to very broke. It's been a while, but I've got time to learn. I have found a trainer that will come to your house and give you lessons. She gives you homework which is good and you work on that until your next lesson. Plus, I have my dear friend Jill to help too.

I'm due to have my baby in a month. I figure three months of taking it easy and then can start slow on working with my guys which puts me in the summer time. I'm in no rush.

I trained (Well, I am still "finishing" him) Willie all by myself, and it has worked out great with me. I just took things really slow, and made sure to finish on a good note.

I am borrowing the Bobbie Ferraro videos, and they are really great. I got to meet her this last weekend, and she really does train the way she shows in the videos!
I have trained 1 big horse to drive and 2 of my mini mares. I used the VHS tapes, " Teach your horse to drive" by Mary Ruth Marks. She talks about the harness and different types of cart and buggies too. It has been really fun.I will be training a few more this coming spring. Here's a link http://www.liveryone.net/videos.shtml
I have three driving books and my favorite so far has been Carraige Driving by Heike Bean and Sarah Blanchard. It has been the easiest of the books I have at home (and got at the Library) to understand and it covers a lot of topics very thoroughly.

I did find it frustratingly difficult to get a hold of my copy though.

I am a horse book nut (videos too, although books are usually cheaper)

I love The Essential Guide to Carriage Driving

I also have the Carriage Driving book mentioned above and the Bobbie Ferraro videos. I like them both.

Storey's guide to training horses covers driving somewhat. Interested to hear what else folks like.

The Essential Guide to Carriage Driving will be one of your best investments! I have been looking to get it for a couple years and am kicking myself for waiting so long. It's a "must have" for the beginner driver. I am also in the process of training my own mini and we now go out for lovely drives down the road and across the fields. I don't show, but I love to learn, train, and practice with my guy. I also really enjoyed the Patty Cloke series of DVDs as well as the Joanne Ross videos.

Good luck.

The Essential Guide to Carriage Driving will be one of your best investments! I have been looking to get it for a couple years and am kicking myself for waiting so long. It's a "must have" for the beginner driver. I am also in the process of training my own mini and we now go out for lovely drives down the road and across the fields. I don't show, but I love to learn, train, and practice with my guy. I also really enjoyed the Patty Cloke series of DVDs as well as the Joanne Ross videos.

Good luck.

[SIZE=12pt]I was curious, how indepth are the Cloke and Ross videos? Are they just for beginners or can someone who's been driving a while learn some more advanced tecniques from them?[/SIZE]

The Essential Guide to Carriage Driving will be one of your best investments! I have been looking to get it for a couple years and am kicking myself for waiting so long. It's a "must have" for the beginner driver. I am also in the process of training my own mini and we now go out for lovely drives down the road and across the fields. I don't show, but I love to learn, train, and practice with my guy. I also really enjoyed the Patty Cloke series of DVDs as well as the Joanne Ross videos.

Good luck.

[SIZE=12pt]I was curious, how indepth are the Cloke and Ross videos? Are they just for beginners or can someone who's been driving a while learn some more advanced tecniques from them?[/SIZE]

I especially like the Cloke DVD's. You probably could skip the first one on how to hitch your horse but the ground driving/round penning one was really good. I picked up quite a few things that I've incorporated into my training program. Just try one and if you like it, get the other. (There are 3 in all.)
Thank you all for your advice. I have quite a few to look into. I'll have to post in the future how the training is going.

My all-time favorite book is Heike Bean's, Carriage Driving: A Logical Approach Through Dressage Training.

Please, please don't be put off by "the dressage training" subtitle -- this book is exceptionally readable, easy to understand, written by a professional, and covers many of the situations that we encounter in breaking and training horses safely. She is thorough in her discussion of this topic, uses many excellent examples and, best of all, describes in understandable terms just why these issues are important to our driving horses.

Her very right-on discussion of the overcheck rein is an absolute must-read for driving enthusiasts! Since our horses all work very hard for each of us, the least we can do is educate ourselves about how best to help them, allow them to be COMFORTABLE and do their job well. We need to learn the mechanics of all these pieces!

If we can't do that, the least we can do to help these horses learn their jobs and be able to do their jobs is to connect with a seasoned driver who can assist us in person while we learn!


My all-time favorite book is Heike Bean's, Carriage Driving: A Logical Approach Through Dressage Training.

Please, please don't be put off by "the dressage training" subtitle -- this book is exceptionally readable, easy to understand, written by a professional, and covers many of the situations that we encounter in breaking and training horses safely. She is thorough in her discussion of this topic, uses many excellent examples and, best of all, describes in understandable terms just why these issues are important to our driving horses.

Her very right-on discussion of the overcheck rein is an absolute must-read for driving enthusiasts! Since our horses all work very hard for each of us, the least we can do is educate ourselves about how best to help them, allow them to be COMFORTABLE and do their job well. We need to learn the mechanics of all these pieces!

If we can't do that, the least we can do to help these horses learn their jobs and be able to do their jobs is to connect with a seasoned driver who can assist us in person while we learn!

Well said Cindy. I will add this book to my ever growing library!!

Thanks for that information, Jennifer ....we're members of the Carriage Association and I had not recalled that they rented training videos. Guess I'll know what to do on some our snowy,icy weekends in upstate New York now!!!!


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