What body type are my miniatures?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2012
Reaction score
New Brunswick
I am wondering what you would say the body type of 2 of my miniatures are. I know they aren't the Arabian style. I've heard a few terms thrown around, but how many types are there? (draft, quarter horse, arab, modern) Thanks for any help. (sorry I don't have better pictures) I hope you can get something from them.



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(not being offensive at ALL) it looks like they have a hay belly
But other than that, they are great (to me) in conformation! You have some pretty minis!!! I dont know what you would call them, as I personally dont refer to any minis as "arabian type" or any other type really.
I would have to agree with the above post. I wouldn't pin a type to them as I believe minis are their own breed therefore their own type.
I'm not taking that offensively ,the pictures were from the beginning of the summer so they had a bit more hay in their diet than usual.
Thanks, a lot of people I have talked to seemed to always be categorizing them by build. People fairly local seem to think the heavier, stocky build is somewhat frowned upon if they had that in their herd. I've learned from the forum the difference between average, poor, great conformation, but was curious if some people took build into consideration also. I assumed it would be when you are considering what you would want your horse for. ( driving, halter, hunter classes)
I'm not sure about "type" but it sure looks like you have fun with them!

Liz N.
They are beutiful! If I was to catogorize them as to their 'build type' like you would a full sized horse than I would say that your paint looks to be to be a warmblooded type and your solid mini looks to be a lighter build warmblood or a hot blood. I'm not sure it matters though, I have only had one mini and I don't show so I wouldn't know how to Jude them for show standard other than type A, Type B and type C. Diva is a size B and has a warmblood build type that leans more towards drafty/cold blood.
Thanks Liz, I have a lot of fun with them. From parades,driving to fun shows, you name it.
I wouldn't trade them for the world. Thanks everyone else too.

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