What breed mix do you think this pony is?

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capall beag

Well-Known Member
May 20, 2005
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York Beach, Maine originally from Ireland!
I just got this little pony a few weeks ago!

She was auction bound because they said she was wild?????

They bought her a few years ago as a yearling for their 1 yr old child at an auction

They had no horse knowledge and kept her in their garage.

She tried to kick their daughter when she walked behind her when she was eating and they decided she was CRAZY and should be pts or returned to the auction???

A lady took her in because she felt badly for her but she had no shelter for her or any reason to keep her and so I now have her!

She is 3 1/2 and actually very easy going!

Not really ponyish at all. Loaded like a pro, picks all her feet up, has been used for leadline, leads well!

She is a bit of a monkey and pins her ears back at the dogs and can be nippy around her food but she really just needs direction because I reprimanded her for it and she stopped!

I think she has lots of potential!

I have no idea what she is?

Any idea what breed she kind of looks like?

Here she is,




Just curious! All I care is that she is CUTE!!!!
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As for breeding, I wouldn't even venture to guess, she could be anything.

But I must say that she is just as pretty as all get out. I love her coloring and her face markings. I wish you many years of happiness with her.
I tend to agree with Marty - but what ever her backround - she's a pretty one - congrats and hope that you have many happy years with her! Lori
What a pretty pony! I can see why you are so smitten with her. She is very lucky that you came into her life...enjoy! I just love happy stories!
She's wonderful, Fiona! What a pretty girl. How tall is she? With you she'll be the best pony for the kids!
I think she's adorable! How tall is she? She looks around 44" - 48"? (Judging by the fence?) She sure has an inquisitiveness to her eye. I bet with some training she could be all kinds of fun!

FWIW, I have a Shetland mare that came with out papers (she actually looks a bit like this mare). I registered her as a show pony with WCMHR so she can show leadline and W/T in the fair and local open shows.
Yes, Please let us know how tall she is. That will allow to possibly help figure out what she might be.

She is quite cute.
breed?? I think its that new breed called ACUTE LITTLEPONY. no, honestly she looks like she would have welsh in her. I am so happy that you have her and will definitely be ginving her a good home with kids to love. CONGRATULATIONS on ACUTE LITTLEPONY. Corinne
Oh, Thank you for all your nice replies!!

She is about 44", I have not measured her, I don't think any bigger than that maybe even a little less, I will measure her!

Yes, I think she has lots of potential, considering nobody has ever done anything with her really in the way of training she is very good.

I want to have a forum member train her to drive, if she is willing

OK, help me name her!

She came with the name Cinna but I don't like it, she has more character than that!

The kids have VERY little interest in her
I really want them to have but they are like "Oh yeah, Mum she's cute????" The girls would rather play with their pups and play in the hayloft, hopefully this will change. However, this is my passion and need not necessarily be theirs!

A little girl I know who is horse mad and cannot have a pony of her own, often visits here and she will be able to enjoy the pony and ride her all she wants! She is tickled pink with her

I love diamonds in the rough and I think she might just be one!

So come on let's here some good names!!!!!!!!!!!
Well Fiona, I do believe you've named her yourself....."Diamond in the Ruff" Call her Lady Di".

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