What Color is She? LOOK AGAIN NOW

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2003
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Morson, Ontario, Canada
Can anyone tell me what color this mare is? She is registered as a dun, but she has no dun characteristics. I am attaching several pics of her, and also a pedigree showing the colors of her ancestors.

This first one was taken at some time before I owned her, in the summer.


The next one was in April of this year, heavy in foal, and still in quite a bit of winter coat.


These next ones were all taken this month, still not shed out, but starting.





And here is the pedigree showing colors of horses...

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1st off how did 2 chestnuts produce a bay!!!???? (Peanuts & Duchess) I was always told that 2 chestnuts had to produce a chestnut!!!!??? Did you see her dam? Is she really a bay?

Making a quess, by looking at your mare's head mostly I would say a grullo. But then again I have problems with color on some of Mine. LOL!!!!!! I have only had 1 grullo and that was a result of breeding a red dun to a black mare.
1st off how did 2 chestnuts produce a bay!!!???? (Peanuts & Duchess) I was always told that 2 chestnuts had to produce a chestnut!!!!??? Did you see her dam? Is she really a bay?

Making a quess, by looking at your mare's head mostly I would say a grullo. But then again I have problems with color on some of Mine. LOL!!!!!! I have only had 1 grullo and that was a result of breeding a red dun to a black mare.
I would imagine one of the "chestnuts" was actually a silver bay. This is why the registries really need to start getting a little more serious on the colors of registered horses.

As for her being a grulla, no, a grulla is a form of dun. She is not a dun....she has no characteristics of a dun at all.
She's either a sooty buckskin or a smokey black.

In the last photos she looks alot like my sooty buckskin colt, Finnigan.

But in the first pics she looks like my smokey black stallion.

She'd be one to get tested
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Just an echo of Jane / Rabbit. I vote sooty / smutty buckskin and agree, don't put any stock in what the papers or registration records say regarding color of parents (you probably already know better).

Sooty Buckskin. I have a mare that looks just like her and is definately a sooty or dark buckskin.

Ginny StP

Sure are some interesting color combos in her pedigree. I would agree they are mis named colors. I did think tho., that you had to have one dun parent in order to have a dun? Also did not know that dun/buckskin could make a palomino, but shows you what I need to learn each day!

But that is the same kind (mis) information I got too with my new baby Marker. His momma is a red dun and sire is a bay overo. A big horse breeder told me he was a buckskin as duns did not have black tails? He has ALL the dun markings, zebra stripes and all. He appears to be a bay dun tho., or at least so far.

Pretty mare!

I agree - sooty buckskin. With the variations in seasonal coat... just like one mare here!

And Rabbit is right - ignore the colours on the pedigree...
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Correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't buckskin another form/type of dun? Buckskins have the dorsal stripe, leg barring/darker legs, darker head, etc. or CAN have any of those but I thought for sure they at least had to have the dorsal stripe? I don't see a dorsal stripe on this mare? I too would say sooty buckskin but I just had to ask about the above...??

I see she is registered a black buckskin on the papers - and yes, don't follow papers unless it's a registry like AMHA but even then they registered my silver filly as grulla and she has no dun parent and no dun characteristics =)

Also, how does sorrel pinto and bay create buckskin?? I can see it from the bay but sorrel? oh maybe....whatever, talking out loud here =)
I also think sooty buckskin........

And Dun/Grulla is a different dilute gene from Buckskin and Palomino.

Going by the first picture, she looks sooty buckskin. Looking at the other pictures and her pedigree (if the colors are correct in her pedigree), she looks brown, perhaps seal brown.

Very pretty mare, whatever her color.
I'd say smutty buckskin....I guess that's what the papers mean by "black buckskin"? Black buckskin is a new one on me. I guess a dun x buckskin can produce palomino--the palomino just didn't get the black based color nor the dun gene-- the sorrel pinto sire must actually be a palomino pinto?
For those that said brown and seal brown...are those two different colors or different names for the same color? Also, am I correct in thinking/understanding that a "brown" is a bay?

Minimor...as for the "black buckskin" listed on the pedigree, that was my fault. I knew she was not dun, as she is registered as, and I thought smutty buckskin and black buckskin meant the same thingm so that is my doing, and my mistake if it is incorrect.
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Mona..Seal brown is a type of agouti..I don't know much about ti..asked here before without much reply..it's called the OTHER agouti gene..Now I was wondering if the seal brown and One creme still would make a buckskin?!?
Well, thanks for playing my game. It was a dirty trick I played, but I wanted to see if you all saw the same thing as I did when I bought this mare.

I bought her because I was SURE she was a smutty buckskin, just as many of you did. However, I did send in hair samples for color testing just to make sure, and I was MAJOR surprised(and disappointed) to see the results come back stating she does NOT carry cream!

So, I guess to those of you that said brown, you were right. I know she carries agouti for sure, as her colt is bay pinto by a black stallion, so she is some shade of bay, for sure, so Christine, looks like you hit the nail on the head with your last reply!

Thanks again everyone, and please don't take this personally, as I did not do it to offend anyone. I truely appreciated the answers from one and all, and it just goes to show we too can be wrong in our visual interpretation of these crazy colored little horses.
YEAH...so what do I win?? You can send her over as a prize!! :lol: :new_shocked: :aktion033:
That's interesting, MOna, because I had a mare that same color though she was considerably lighter in her summer coat. Now I'm curious what she was.

She is the dam of my black mare, Lailah, who I'm curious about her dilute gene status (I suspect she's smokey). Sadly, Sami has passed away so I may never know about Sami, but when I get some money ahead, I may well test her daughter (she is from two buckskins, or is she? *LOL*)

Cool thread, I love it when there's an answer.

This is kinda like our own "two minute mystery"


Liz M.
Havent read any answers yet but my guess would be she is simply a bay mare now let me go back and see if anyone agrees with me

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