I know a lot of people don't think it makes sense to spend $100 on a halter.
To me, it makes no sense to put all that effort into getting a horse ready and not having the halter you like best. The Victors and BKM's I have will last me for decades honestly. They are very well made and have a classic look. I put WAY more than $100 worth of effort into getting ready for one show so to me, it makes sense to pick the halters I honestly prefer. $100 is a drop in the bucket in my book when you factor in time conditioning, grooming, travel and show fees.
Plus, I know a lot of the beaded halters are poorly made and one thing you do not want is for a horse to realize they can break tack.
I do not like to throw money away but it would bug the heck out of me to go to a show and feel like my horse would have looked nicer had I just spent another $70 (for something I will use over and over and over again).