What color would you use.....

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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[SIZE=14pt]I am making plans on showing my yearling filly next year and am in need of a show halter.... what color would you go on a plain sorrel horse? Would you get a bright color that draws your attention to her head..... her color (TOO ME) wont draw it alone......What would you use on the color of beads on a halter?[/SIZE]


If you are going to show halter with her you need to get as small and refined a halter as you can find in order not to detract from her big eyes and good ear set. The type halter you have on her will not work for as refined a filly as she is. I would go to Superior or one of the mini show supply houses and look at a dark brown with gold connections if I could.

good Luck

[SIZE=14pt]I realized that the western style is WAY too much for her little head..... when I saw the pics on the computer I said YUCK LOL. I was shoppong and found some on Ebay that where about $30 and I dont know what color to go with. You think just a gold banded one would be best for her, and not a colored bead one?[/SIZE]

Oh, I shouldn't answer; I was going to tell you I'd go with one of the cable halters with gold/silver bar noseband and gold/silver filligree/ferruled cheeks, such as Showtime or Star Lake sell. But, they are considerably higher priced than $30. They just look so classy on a pretty little head like your filly has. (Or should I say a pretty little head looks so classy in one of those halters!?)

If you are looking at those beaded cable halters I am no help because I just don't think they suit any head. JMHO
I am not a fan of the beaded halters. I had some "expensive" $170 or so First Choice brand beaded halters when I first started showing so I liked them at one point
But now I think they just look too trendy.

What I would recommend is to try and go with a Victor or BKM halter with a patent nose. I think burgundy with gold hardware would look nice on her. Those halters will last decades with how nicely they are made and how they won't go out of style.

To my eyes, your filly has a beautiful head with those big eyes, tiny ears and small muzzle! Very pretty
i would get a thin banded nose halter in green. i think green always sets off sorrell. if you look at a color wheel green and red are complimentary colors (thats why christmas is red and green
Sorry art teacher in me talking
i would get a thin banded nose halter in green. i think green always sets off sorrell. if you look at a color wheel green and red are complimentary colors (thats why christmas is red and green
Sorry art teacher in me talking

I've been trying to decide on a colour to buy all of my mini's equipment in (no showing, i just like them to have matching blankets, halters, leg wraps, etc), and he looks to be about the same colour as this lovely girl... I was torn between blue and green. I think this pushed me over the edge to green. Thanks!
If I had to choose between the two halters you provided E-Bay sites for, I would go with the gold one.

You are a 'ORRIBLE woman- I am now going to be spending money I do not have!!!!

They are all pretty, but I would get the black one, I think it would look really stylish on your filly (not one you showed- I went and looked at her on line shop!!)
I can't help on the color part for your beautiful filly but I will say that this is the same place I bought my show halter for my grey/white filly earlier this year and her's looks just like that purple one only it's got lilac colored beads with gold and clear beads on it. Good luck with your filly!


GVM Farm

Are they not the PRETTIEST halters!! And VERY affordable. I just cant see turning loose of $100+ for a halter.


Those 2 I posted are just what styles they are.... I really hadnt picked out any yet. I kinda liked the one with a black band that has gold accents on it...... at least I have some choices to look at..... gold and black..... green or purple!!! Im liking purple, but that gold sure is pretty too LOL.

I know a lot of people don't think it makes sense to spend $100 on a halter.

To me, it makes no sense to put all that effort into getting a horse ready and not having the halter you like best. The Victors and BKM's I have will last me for decades honestly. They are very well made and have a classic look. I put WAY more than $100 worth of effort into getting ready for one show so to me, it makes sense to pick the halters I honestly prefer. $100 is a drop in the bucket in my book when you factor in time conditioning, grooming, travel and show fees.

Plus, I know a lot of the beaded halters are poorly made and one thing you do not want is for a horse to realize they can break tack.

I do not like to throw money away but it would bug the heck out of me to go to a show and feel like my horse would have looked nicer had I just spent another $70 (for something I will use over and over and over again).
[SIZE=14pt]This will be my first time showing (showed in 1 show last year) and I know I have a lot to learn and such, but buying a halter at that price right now is out of my reach at the moment.... I may not like showing (HA) and I will have a $100 halter catching dust, because I changed my mind. As it is right now I spent $40 on the halter in the picture and this was only the second time it had ever seen a horse. I appreciate where you are coming from in the fact that "you get what you pay for" I see this everyday where I work. People want the best but grip about the cost. For now I will settle for a VERY WELL made halter, without the VERY WELL made price. And in NO WAY am I dissing ANYONE for being able to afford those lovely halters...... but you know....... Christmas IS around the corner... OH LYNN!!!!!!! (looks around to find BF) :bgrin :bgrin :bgrin [/SIZE]

I hear you

One thing though, and that time may now be done, but while I was buying NEW Victor halters directly from Victor, I saw them on eBay and this site selling for more than twice what I was paying! Crazy!!! People apparently didn't know that you could buy them once again from Victor, and I was too scared to let that cat out of the bag until me and my friends got ours in case Victor would run out of time to make them.

As to liking showing, I guess I do like it but I like it the MOST when I am on my way back home with the horses, ribbons and trophies. It is a lot of work, just the limited amount I've done on my own (with H's help thankfully).
when i went to my first show i had no idea how much difference a halter makes. I was using a nice less exspesnive one but the problem was it didnt flatter tinys face. Like your filly she has big eyes and a real pretty shape to her head. The halter i was using was covering that up. Someone i didnt even know walked up with a BEAUTIFUL show halter between my classes and said put this on her right now! I did and we placed 2nd. So regardless of the price just make sure it flatters your horse!
[SIZE=14pt] JILL How do I find Victors direct?? I would like to check them out![/SIZE]

I called Victor. He gets busy with the Arabian horse show season, but has been able to make mini halters for me and others this year. He's soooo nice! I purchased 6 Victors from him this season and in the fall (after he's done w/ the Arabian shows), I'm going to see if he can make me a couple more (talk about an addict!). Here is his website:


FYI, the 9D style mini halter w/o conchos and leads are about $110 and the 9H style w/o conchos and leads are about $95! Which is less than the BKM's and I prefer the Victors... If you get conchos from him, they are truly beautiful. Very delicate looking and he makes the conchos by hand
: The halters are really, really well made.
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[SIZE=14pt]TY for the link. Those are very nice...... I like the gold ones! [/SIZE]

I know a lot of people don't think it makes sense to spend $100 on a halter.

To me, it makes no sense to put all that effort into getting a horse ready and not having the halter you like best. The Victors and BKM's I have will last me for decades honestly. They are very well made and have a classic look. I put WAY more than $100 worth of effort into getting ready for one show so to me, it makes sense to pick the halters I honestly prefer. $100 is a drop in the bucket in my book when you factor in time conditioning, grooming, travel and show fees.

Plus, I know a lot of the beaded halters are poorly made and one thing you do not want is for a horse to realize they can break tack.

I do not like to throw money away but it would bug the heck out of me to go to a show and feel like my horse would have looked nicer had I just spent another $70 (for something I will use over and over and over again).

What's the website for the BKM's? Thanks!

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