Temporary pellet diet for mini

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You and Aggie are so strong. It has been a lot for you both. Hopefully this heat will give us a break, that sure would help. Keep us posted.
Well folks Aggie's doing okay weight wise but her nose hasn't stopped showing gunk and it still smells. Vet is contacting the specialist who removed Aggie's tooth because "that's not normal." Now I'm worried all over again. Next step is going to be a bronchial alveolar lavage.
Did they check for a sinus infection in Maggie? When my mini had a bad tooth he had a recurrent sinus infection that required a catheter placed into the sinus so it could be flushed several times a day. He had a horrendous smelling drainage from his nose with the infection. My fingers are crossed that you get some concrete answers from the specialist.
Thank you. Yes they did but the tooth appeared to be causing it. Vet is working on a game plan.
Did they check for a sinus infection in Maggie? When my mini had a bad tooth he had a recurrent sinus infection that required a catheter placed into the sinus so it could be flushed several times a day. He had a horrendous smelling drainage from his nose with the infection. My fingers are crossed that you get some concrete answers from the specialist.
Have not tried the sinus catheter yet
So pleased to hear Aggie’s dental work is healing! I’m sorry to read about her breathing problems. :( I think sometimes because they live so close to the ground, they are a bit more susceptible to breathing problems.

Hopefully your vet can check things out fairly quickly for you both. Everyone has a different situation, but spraying down the barn walls with water, misting the interior floors, and providing free choice paddock/barn have been helpful with Goldie in providing breathing relief in the heat.

Rooting for you both! 🤗
Vet is going to debride Aggie's tooth socket and re pack it with dental packing on Wednesday. I am no longer in town with my minis because of the fire academy, so I am relying on word of mouth from my folks and friends watching the minis. On the plus side I heard some encouraging news from a friend. Aggie's nose has stopped having discharge and the stink is now minimal. Aggie also chased Winston in turnout and they raced around and played for awhile. My friend described Aggie as "feisty." So far so good.

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