My daughter who works at Los Alamos is here for the holiday; yesterday,she and I went into the 'big city'(Albuquerque)to the early showing of "The Chronicles of Narnia"-which turned out to be very enjoyable(Lisa is a voracious reader, and reminded me that I'd gifted her with the entire series by C.S Lewis many years ago!) We then returned to my little burg and stopped by Subway, picked up some sandwiches to bring home for lunch(and the leftovers for later!)-and we both napped in front of various holiday shows on TV! Took a big ole ibuprofen so I could do the PM chores in relative comfort(knee....); we had the tree on Christmas Eve(as our family always has)-nice! Daughter gave me CD collections of John Denver and Bobby Helms(bet most of you don't remember HIM!), and a goodly supply of my favorite 'body cream' from Bath and Body Works. She is a huge Harry Potter fan-got several related items from her friends, along with the DVDs on the list she gave me-"Sound of Music", "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", and a
gift card for the other one, which Target was out of.... Today, per Lisa's request for the menu of Christmas dinner, I am fixing chicken fried steak with white gravy and mashed potatoes, along with a molded strawberry/banana salad we both love!
Courtesy of taking those big(800 mg.)ibuprofen(got a bottle of 100 from Mexico; they are real 'horse pills', but work!), I am getting around pretty well today, so may try to take my new cart for a spin with Dusty and some real, honest-to-gosh cast brass sleigh bells, which sound SOOOO great!!
Merry Christmas to ALL, and to all, a good DAY!!