"1: The stomach acid in a dog is industrial strengal, yes, dogs can get slamonella....but is extremely rare, no higher in raw fed dogs than in kibble fed. 2. My dogs stools are picked up every day, several times a day just like any other concieatious dog owner would do....and oh, btw, kibble fed dogs and cats and goodness me, humans also shed salmonella and E.Coli in their stools, also young adults can routinely carry these organisms in their bodys but as they are young and healthy, it does not affect them. There are many ways to scare ourselves about bacteria if we want, but why would we want to?"
It'd be nice if you could back up what you're saying with actual, scientific data but unfortunately for RAW feeders there isn't much, if any, available. I believe that's because the great majority of raw feeders become "experts" on just what their dog needs and so there is a wide disparity of what's being fed to these dogs including many nutritional gaps. It's pretty hard to test the "benefits" of that.
On the other hand, here is a link to an actual study done on the public health risks of feeding raw and as you'll read, salmonella (and other nasty bacteria) was passed at an alarming rate out of dogs who were fed raw and not so in those fed kibble. I'm sorry if you don't find this worthy of your concern, but your raw fed dogs mouths, feeding area and stools are all sources of potential contamination.
As to the general claim of your's that kibble companies use dogs and cats and fallen livestock in their mixture, I'm sorry, but this is not true anymore, at least here in the USA. Maybe 10 years or so ago you could have used that as an excuse, but not today when our top quality dog foods are made of human grade ingredients ONLY... and as for the rest, well, I'm not defending Pedigree, Ol Roy, etc.
It'd be nice if you could back up what you're saying with actual, scientific data but unfortunately for RAW feeders there isn't much, if any, available. I believe that's because the great majority of raw feeders become "experts" on just what their dog needs and so there is a wide disparity of what's being fed to these dogs including many nutritional gaps. It's pretty hard to test the "benefits" of that.
As to the general claim of your's that kibble companies use dogs and cats and fallen livestock in their mixture, I'm sorry, but this is not true anymore, at least here in the USA. Maybe 10 years or so ago you could have used that as an excuse, but not today when our top quality dog foods are made of human grade ingredients ONLY... and as for the rest, well, I'm not defending Pedigree, Ol Roy, etc.
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