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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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[SIZE=14pt]I was at a Pioneer Day goinson yesterday in a town a few miles away. I had 2 of my "regular" horses and 2 of my dwarves there for people to look at and pet. A lady wanted to know if I would breed my REGISTERED stud to her GRADE pony mare... they wanted another horse for the kids... well I acted like I was thinking about it and finally came out with my answer and told her "Well I breed registered stock and I really dont think adding to the already overpopulated grade market is a good idea. You can find a WONDERFUL grade pony for the kids....." well of course they dont want to pay a lot of money and so on. What would YOU have told her? I didnt want to offend her, but I dont want to breed to grade horses when there are wondeful horses dieing everyday because they have no home.... I also think this was the same lady that wanted to breed her mare 2 years ago and I "accidently" lost her number.....
: [/SIZE]

I guess to deter them you could say something like "Sure! My stallion's breed fee is $2000!" or some such thing, lol!

Then maybe they will reconsider the "breeding our mare will be cheaper than finding another pony" syndrome.

I don't get it anyway-- by the time that a mare gestates for nearly a year, then the foal grows up to be old enough to be trained, and get enough training that it's kid-worthy--- wouldn't those kids be ready for a FULL SIZE horse?
I think you handled it well. I don't breed to unregistered stock. I often tell people I don't breed to outside mares, which I don't unless I sold the mare. You can also require vet check, culture, and insurance, which will run the cost up well over the cost of a grade pony.
I feel you told her the right thing and you said it nicely, too.

She can buy a grade pony or mini for less than $500, I would bet. And, she'd get to pick the disposition, sex, color and size if she bought one vs. trying to make one.

You did good!

Well Im a bit different. I have no problem breeding to grade stock. HOwever the horse still better be quality and the stallion fee will not change just because the mare is grade.
If someone wants to breed to my stallion (Keep in mind I'm talking about QH's Here) I do not mind if the mare is grade. However I do explain that in most cases it is cheaper to buy a foal that is already on the ground.. When you figure in the stud fee, the mare care, and then you have to feed your mare extra all the way through foaling and until the foal is weaned. That really adds up quick! Plus if you go buy a foal you can pick the color and sex you want, and are not playing a guessing game. So far I have given this reasining to more then one mare owner and it really makes since. So because of that I have never bred my stallion to a grade mare.
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I guess I also take a differant view. It is likely this person will get her mare bred somewhere, would it be better if she was bred to a good quality stallion or someones backyard pet? I do give my talk on homeless, throw aways, give them infor on CMHR etc. but if they are responsible owners and are willing to take the responsibility of watching the mare and being there for the birth, imprint, etc. I would rather the mare be bred to a stallion with good conformation and temprament. Papers do not make the horse.
Seeing as how the horse population is overcrowded, I believe in only breeding registered stock. I would have done the same as you :aktion033:

And no, papers do not make the horse, but papers make the horse more valuable and tracable. I would not hesitate to buy a unregistered horse if it fit my purpose, but to breed an unregistered one? NEVER!!!!
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You could just tell them politely that (providing you even stand your stallion to outside mares) that you will accept registered mares only, but thank you for the compliments on your stallion!! Or just tell them thank you but you dont breed to outside mares.
I guess I also take a differant view. It is likely this person will get her mare bred somewhere, would it be better if she was bred to a good quality stallion or someones backyard pet? I do give my talk on homeless, throw aways, give them infor on CMHR etc. but if they are responsible owners and are willing to take the responsibility of watching the mare and being there for the birth, imprint, etc. I would rather the mare be bred to a stallion with good conformation and temprament. Papers do not make the horse.
Well, if the person does get it bred somewhere to a backyard pet that is their responsibility and not mine. If I choose to breed their grade mare then some of that responsibilty for that foal falls on my shoulders and i am not willing to accept that responsibility. Issues like this are why I won't be a breeder. I'm too obnoxious about this stuff to handle it tactfully. lol. I just wouldn't do something I disagree with to prevent the other person from breeding to something of lesser quality.

Anyway, I think the original poster handled the situation well. I'd just say I only bred to approved registered mares, and only on a limited basis. That way if i didn't want to breed for ANY reason I could say, "I'm not breeding him to outside mares right now, you might want to look elsewhere."

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