Miss Valerie gives good advice.
I have used peppermint oil for years applied to both temples and then joining the temples with an oily film at the hairline. Do NOT get it close to your eyes as it will be unpleasant. Make sure to put a goodly amount on the first time so as to not have to reapply it 10 minutes later to get it to work. This remedy has worked on 90% of the headache sufferers we have met over the years. Peppermint oil is also a stimulant and I have used it to VERY good effect when I'm exhausted, rummy, and in pain throughout the body BUT need to keep going. Recovery occurs for me within 5 minutes and I'm up, alert and out of pain. Application ain't for the squeamish.
Another headache remedy we are guinea pigging with others is to submerge your hands in very hot water for a few minutes. Mo has been able to try this once during a recent flue bout and it worked for her. Headaches are not common for us so we are testing this through others to see if there is something to it.
I do find the caffeine applications very interesting and instructive as well. Chocolate would be my favorite application of this medicine....
I have used peppermint oil for years applied to both temples and then joining the temples with an oily film at the hairline. Do NOT get it close to your eyes as it will be unpleasant. Make sure to put a goodly amount on the first time so as to not have to reapply it 10 minutes later to get it to work. This remedy has worked on 90% of the headache sufferers we have met over the years. Peppermint oil is also a stimulant and I have used it to VERY good effect when I'm exhausted, rummy, and in pain throughout the body BUT need to keep going. Recovery occurs for me within 5 minutes and I'm up, alert and out of pain. Application ain't for the squeamish.
Another headache remedy we are guinea pigging with others is to submerge your hands in very hot water for a few minutes. Mo has been able to try this once during a recent flue bout and it worked for her. Headaches are not common for us so we are testing this through others to see if there is something to it.
I do find the caffeine applications very interesting and instructive as well. Chocolate would be my favorite application of this medicine....