What Happened to Spring?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2009
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Southern Maryland
What in the world is going on? I've been waiting for spring since Christmas. Well since it arrived acording to the calendar we have had three nice days in three weeks. Most of the time we have had, rain, wind, clouds, cold and mud. Now for the last two days we have had summer, July weather in the high 80's close to 90. I'm sweating, hot, it's humid, I can't breath because of tree pollen and more rain last night and more mud. My poor horses are hot, panting and still hairey. The only ones clipped are the show horses and they are even hot. My poor yearlings even have sweat around their little eyes. I had to get the fans out of storage for my bulldogs as they are so miserable and set up their swimming pool. I can only bath and clip so many horses in a day and I feel so bad for the ones that are so hairey. My daughter is coming on Sat. to help. Are you guys in the same boat? Seems it went from winter to summer in one day!
Well, we got spoiled the last 2 years. They were absolutely gorgeous for Spring! It was more like Summer weather by April! Warm, warm temps, lots of sunshine! This year.....we are back to 'normal'....though it feels far from normal! We had a snow blizzard a couple of weeks back...temps have been MUCH cooler (cooler than 'normal' even). We've had a few 'nice' spring days, but I'd like some more to come this way!!! Winter was faarrrr too long this year....haven't seen much sun at all since Oct!


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Up in the coastal hills in Oregon, only flower that has bloomed is the daffodils. No other flowers yet, nor have any of the fruit trees bloomed yet. Is crazy. Of course, we have had way, way too much rain since the beginning of March.
We've had a few 'nice' spring days, but I'd like some more to come this way!!! Winter was faarrrr too long this year....haven't seen much sun at all since Oct!

This is where we are and where we've been all winter. Although, spring is trying to shine through, its about 60 today, but we still have snowbanks around the yard and in the pastures/fields.

I'm going to have to clip at least a couple mares, as I have two that are very woolie, they always have a thicker coat than everyone else. I'm doing more grooming than usual for this time of year, usually don't get too carried away as we can still have some seriously cold weather til mid to late May.
My loss of spring was my own doing. I left NJ 3 weeks ago, it was in the 30's. I moved to Florida and it has been in the upper 80's - 90's ever since I got here. My horses were also hairy when they got here. I shaved 2 and 1/2 minis before my clippers died. I have just been using the shedding blade on everyone every day. My horses got rid of must of their hair but 1 mini and the donkey are still pretty hairy. I feel really bad but there is not too much I can do. They have lots of shade and that's about it.
It's summer here in southern NJ too. Ha a few spring like days, but not many. Switched to summer from winter real quick...too quick for my taste. I'm watching the horses as they still have a full coat on them and are shedding out. They are getting plenty of cool water during the day and lots of shade. Had the air conditioner on since yesterday!!
You'd think we were in the middle of July...along with the warmer temps came all the insects. I was thinking to myself today...oh yeah...NOW I remember the yucky part of summer.
SHARI: Love your reply!!! Here in IL your reply is quite fitting! Where is it? We got rain. We got 30's, 40's, 50's, a peek a 60 and whoops 30's, 40's-rain-rain-rain---(man I wish I had an indoor!!!!).
SHARI: Love your reply!!! Here in IL your reply is quite fitting! Where is it? We got rain. We got 30's, 40's, 50's, a peek a 60 and whoops 30's, 40's-rain-rain-rain---(man I wish I had an indoor!!!!).

NW Oregon, and other than two day of no rain, we have had nothing but rain and hail. Is like this part of the world is waiting...... have never seen the like.

You and me both, an indoor would be wonderful, special with the weather we have been having.

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Up in the coastal hills in Oregon, only flower that has bloomed is the daffodils. No other flowers yet, nor have any of the fruit trees bloomed yet. Is crazy. Of course, we have had way, way too much rain since the beginning of March.

OMGThat is hilarious!!!
Well for sure, no spring, summer is upon us! I awoke to a scene straight out of an Alfred Hichcock movie this morning. It has been so hot I opened all the windows as my bullies are miserable, I forgot and left the light on over the bay window in the kitchen. When I got up this morning there must have been a hundred huge bettle bugs on the screen trying to get in and around 20 on my counter and several on the floor, Oh the horror!

After feeding the masses this morning I needed to drag out the shop vac and get up those nasty critters. Lesson learned, tonight I will not leave on any lights, that for sure.

For all you guys up North wishing you had an indoor, well I have one and would you belive it is hotter then hadis in there as we havn't gotten around to cleaning the fans becuase it was still cold here.

I think Mother Nature is mad at us! I hate cold winter and don't much like the hot months of summer, I miss my spring!

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