Well-Known Member
What in the world is going on? I've been waiting for spring since Christmas. Well since it arrived acording to the calendar we have had three nice days in three weeks. Most of the time we have had, rain, wind, clouds, cold and mud. Now for the last two days we have had summer, July weather in the high 80's close to 90. I'm sweating, hot, it's humid, I can't breath because of tree pollen and more rain last night and more mud. My poor horses are hot, panting and still hairey. The only ones clipped are the show horses and they are even hot. My poor yearlings even have sweat around their little eyes. I had to get the fans out of storage for my bulldogs as they are so miserable and set up their swimming pool. I can only bath and clip so many horses in a day and I feel so bad for the ones that are so hairey. My daughter is coming on Sat. to help. Are you guys in the same boat? Seems it went from winter to summer in one day!