What have the Sellers Done Right ???

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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2006
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We hear plenty of complaints about deals gone bad.

I am curious about those of you that have bought horses this year what the sellers did that most impressed you???
A seller last year had all the paperwork up to date , and in separate folders...one for AMHA one for AMHR, one for the passport , microchip, and paperwork for opening garnets for showing out of country etc. we went through all the papers together to make sure everything was signed, the following monday morning I printed new photos and had the paperwork in the mail by noon. She also gave me the 1st place reserve ribbons she won the year prior....I was very impressed.
I can say in the past years I have not had a bad deal. I did in the beginning over what 15 years ago now.. but those were my mistakes and I can not blame them on the seller I was lied to and didnt do my research but again my mistakes.

I have purchased a few horses about 1 a year since 2003 and have been happy with each and every one. Sellers were honest and forthcoming (once I learned the correct questions to ask) I think all in all there are plenty of great sellers out there and in reality those "bad deals" have two sides and responsibilty on both sides)
I bought my first miniature this past August and they seller was awesome. First and foremost she was honest!! When I asked questions she throughly and quickly answered. ALL of the paperwork was in order...this was wonderful!! Also to date if I have any questions she is very willing to answer them. To me that is what a seller should be like.
I bought a mare last Dec, that I had my eye on for years. She was always way out of my price range and this time when she went up for sale it was way closer to what I could afford. Problem was I just purchased a house at that time as well so $$$ where really tight. I asked the seller if there was anyway she could hang onto her for a month so I could get the $$$ around and she agreed. In the end the seller sold the mare to me for 1/2 what she was asking and had all the paperwork in order/up to date, and I brought home my new mare that I wanted for years and years.

Good topic to end the year on! I have to say most deals I have had have been wonderful. We just had one whoops. But I know Ronaele Carpenter is wonderful, we got 2 beautiful mares, one with a baby on the way. Getia Matheny is great. And we had a great experience when the Wauk A Ways were brought back this year. Vick, Gossip and Harley are awesome. There are still so many great people out there. Sometimes we are just lucky to fall into them!

One of the best things about where I bought my colt from was she listened to me and even though I am new she listened to what I was looking for and wanting to do with them.

After talking, thank goodness she liked me and felt he was going to a good home and would be looked after and not be a pasture horse and she dropped her price big time as I would never be able to put that amount a money out to buy a horse even though I can afford to look after them and the only condition is if I ever have to get rid of him I have to give her first chance to get him back.

Everyday I still cant believe he is mine and in my barn.

Have my fingers crossed hoping I will find another one out there.
I haven't bought a horse this year, I bought Carlos three years ago now and the seller was completely honest, I paid for him the first time I went to see him but the seller would not cash the cheque til I picked him up and completely assured him that I was happy with him.

Then he rang me a week later to make sure I was still OK with him and to offer me a chance of letting him go back and refunding me my money....how many sellers do that??
Great thread! Well I am very excited to say that this year I have been quite blessed, first with a colt from someone who was very helpful in answering my many questions and spent a lot of time on the phone with me. I was grateful for all her time and knowledge, it meant a lot to me and most of all, I now have a fun, silly, high spirited, gorgeous colt that I have really bonded with, he is one of my special favorites
Thank you Joanne! Pacific Masquerade is pictured in my avatar

A recent fantastic experience has been Erica Killion who has been wonderful! I won't go into all the details but I bought a really nice 08 filly from her last year and now have TWO of her incredible horses heading my way next week!! I would highly recommend Erica to anyone who wants a top quality horse from an honest, caring breeder.

Another person who has been beyond caring, supportive and wonderful is Belinda Bagby from Cross Country Farms. Belinda has gone above and beyond to ensure that I have the filly I was looking for. I will again leave the details private but she absolutely was under no obligation to do what she did for me, she did it because she is a caring, compassionate breeder and trainer. Thank you Belinda, I am so proud to have my new filly in your hands for showing next year! This year could have gone very differently for me and Erica and Belinda made sure that it didn't. Thank you so much you guys!
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Well the lady I bought horses from this year was patient as a Saint! And Honest, the horses were everything she said they were and more! Oh ya you were the seller LOL Thanks for the best horse deal ever!!

funny that you mention Belinda Bagby, she did a great job for us this last year also. We bought two fillies thru her or from her. We are really excited about both of them.

Reasonable prices and exactly what they were supposed to be.

The results were pretty cool also. One that was bred by Belinda Cross Country Lady Stardust was the 2009 Congress National Grand Champion Mare as a weanling (first time in ASPC history). The other she found for us from Strasslien Farms in Oklahoma we call Vicky who was Reserve National Champion weanling out of a huge class and also part of the Champion Get of Sire group for Red E Alert.

Not bad and the horses looked great, you will enjoy your experience showing with Belinda, she is a trip to say the least. LOL
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Thank you all for sharing.

I have bought horses from several farms this year; Nostalgia's, Hidden Timber, Millennium, and Last Chance Miniatures.

The horses all arrived in great shape. Some were body clipped earlier in the year and photo perfect (and we DID take photos)!

All had new halters and leads (I personally LOVE it when a seller does this). We provide this when we sell our horses.

All paper work arrived quickly and complete.

The horses were as I expected or better than expected.

The people were there pre and post purchase to answer questions by email or phone.

Even (especially ?) in these challenging selling times, each seller came through.

You are right Ellen. I did want to end this year discussing the positive horse people. I do get tired of the people bashing.

BTW ALL the sellers were Lil Beginnings advertisers and members.
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This is a great topic, thanks for starting it! Since I was introduced to miniature horses when I got married 3 years ago, we've had two purchases and both experiences have been great. In Nov of 2008 we bought a yearling stallion from Tim and Linda Tibbs (S.D) who are just wonderful people. The horse exceeded our expectations, great value for the money and he went on to get Reserve Grand Futurity 2 year old stallion under (a repeat from the year before as a yearling) at Nationals. And, I'm very excited to meet my two new mares who will be arriving--knock on wood--late Saturday night from Mountain Meadows in Washington. Stacy has also been great to work with; patient with my questions and willing to take a video and send it, recommending shippers, and so on.

Both breeders were professional, helpful, did not misrepresent the animals or pressure us for a sale, had all paperwork handled, etc. The quality of our experience has emulated the quality of horses we purchased, SUPERIOR.

My only regret is that I haven't yet won the lottery and can't buy more. . . Best, Mary
I actually bought a horse today that I thought was an awesome deal. The seller made sure she was up to date on worming, she had her feet trimmed before I came to get her, and she gave a brand new halter and lead as well. It helps too when the seller is a friend of ours too!!!
Fun Thread.

Most of the people I have bought from were up front and honest with me. I have bought from Hidden Timber Ranch, Romandaro Miniatures and a few others. These people were so willing to work with and had all the paperwork in order and up to date. Gosh, it's so important for that paperwork to be up to date!!!!
I purchased a yearling mare from Thousand Oaks this past spring. Sharman was great to work with, helped arrange shipping an even allowed me to make payments. I also purchased a weanling colt from RHA this fall, Pam was also great to work with and even delivered my colt at no extra charge!
Hi Melinda.......nice to hear from you.....details please...who/what did you buy??
I bought Timberviews Buttons and Bows from Lavonne and Larry Parks (Timberview Miniatures) in Iowa, she is a bay overaloosa, her picture is posted on another thread on the forum.
Great topic to end the year on. There will always be deals gone bad but we have to look at the good ones to understand what went wrong before.

My first filly I bought was in November 2005, she was 5 months old at the time. She was my first mini even though I had a riding horse. The breeder was really nice and told me everything I needed to know. I got in touch with the breeder this year after almost 4 years of not knowing where she was. She was really excited to hear what I had accomplished with my filly and was glad to know that she was in a really good home where she was loved. I'm still in touch with her and keep her updated as time goes by.

I bought a filly back in May at a sale. I talked to the owner and she told me everything about her. Even after the sale I was able to ask her more questions. She even contacted her vet to have all the records sent to me so I could have for future reference! I'm still in touch with her now and keep her updated when I get the chance.

I then went and found the breeder for this filly and got in touch with her. She also was really helpful and was excited to see this mare after not seeing or hearing where she was at for a long time. She even sent me pictures of both parents, two siblings, and a niece (if you can call it that), all who she still owns. She's told me everything about them and my mare.

I hope to one day add more girls to my herd but only time will tell. I hope to have just as good of an experience in the future as I did in the past.

Becky M.
I bought one this spring. The seller worked with me because he was 10 hours away, so we figured out a date I could take 2 days off of work, drove out, he had all of his young colts and geldings in for me to see. Since I was making a long drive, he took the time to clean up all the horses I might be interested in, and took a lot of time showing me every horse I might like. He told me the honest truth about the horses, including their quirks, and was very polite. I told him exactly what I was looking for, and he told me that the horse I picked is what he would have picked for me. (Almost a year later, I can say I am happy with what horse we picked, I couldn't have picked a better match) That was in January. He then held onto the horse until March while I arranged for safe transport for the horse home, because our truck was broken down and we couldn't take the trailer when we went to look. Originally I was going to make payments, but I came up with the money before the horse came home because I really don't like owing anyone money. He gave my horse Ulcergard that I sent for a few days before the trip, and gave the extra tube to the transporter so he could stay on it during his trip. He also has given me a lot of information and advice since I've had the horse home, and checks up on him. If I was in the market for another horse, I would go right back to him. He made my first long distance horse purchase a great experience.

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