What if??? you ate ivermectin paste

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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005
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What if you accicentally ate ivermectin paste for horses??? Not that I ever have or will, I was just wondering what would happen, besdies the obvious of deworming yourself...ha! I just wondered if it was poisonous or what.
I am curious too as I tend to hold either the tube or the cap in my mouth and have always wondered if I am ingesting any???
ha ha! I was jsut going to deworm my horses and I started reading the label and it doesn't say anything about what happens if you eat it...so I started to wonder.
I have had some on my figure and did get a taste, it tastes terrible :new_shocked:
I don't know about the paste, but a local Ag teacher indicated that he had accidentally got small amounts of teh liquid when worming goats (I'm assuming by accidentally poking himself with the needle). He didn't go into details, but I got the impression it was not a pleasant experience that he wanted to repeat.
ha i just wormed my horses must be the day for it a
it was green so i thought hmm wonder if it smells like pepermint but no it didint lol anyway yea i to often hold the lid or the womer in my mouth ... i wonder
One of our horses blew a whole tube of rotation back into my face and mouth. once I got a taste of it I realised why they all tryed to spit it out , yuck!!!. I changed to something that they woulds take more easily. I didnt die , but I wouldnt go back for seconds. DR.
It can be very toxic for some types of dogs! The "collie" types, big & small.

I have a mare who LIKES the stuff
I have one mare who constantly likes to SHARE with mom, ( me) we wait and wait and wait thinking ok shes all done it's swallod, ( this is a full size arab mare)

I finally let her go and she walks away a few feet and just looks at me like GEE mom you can really be mean that;' AWFUL stuff, the MINUTE I say cool i think we go ther this time I get a spit wad in the face,, ( you'd REALLY think Id learn NOT to stand there looking at her,

And I can vouche for I have NOT found one that tastes good yet, lol

I've never gotten ill either but then i have never had half a tube or anything, lol The empty wormers should be discarded in plastic bags and where dogs cant get them cause they are ABSOLUTLY Deadly poison to dogs, even just to chew on an empty.
Taken orally I don't expect it is harmful to humans, since in some cases humans do take ivermectin for parasites (this was just discussed on another board that I'm on--some parasite that is showing resistance to the drug? I forget which parasite...) I'm not sure what constitutes a safe dose, but an accidental taste isn't likely to be dangerous.

Injectable dewormers--definitely I wouldn't want any of the stuff injected into me, even the little bit you get just by accidentally sticking yourself with the needle while dosing cattle or whatever--injectible animal medicatins can have a very nasty effect on humans. My uncle once got stuck with a needle of some vitamin that he was giving to his cattle--none really got injected, just the needle went in & probably no more than a couple drops that might have come out of the needle in the process--his hand swelled up really bad & turned a really nasty purple black color.
My uncle once got stuck with a needle of some vitamin that he was giving to his cattle--none really got injected, just the needle went in & probably no more than a couple drops that might have come out of the needle in the process--his hand swelled up really bad & turned a really nasty purple black color.
If he stuck himself after sticking the cattle, the reaction could just as easily have been from the needle being dirty after vaccinating cattle as a reaction to what was in the syringe. [i cringe when I watch the guys vaccinate the cattle with the vaccine guns.]

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