I have one mare who constantly likes to SHARE with mom, ( me) we wait and wait and wait thinking ok shes all done it's swallod, ( this is a full size arab mare)
I finally let her go and she walks away a few feet and just looks at me like GEE mom you can really be mean that;' AWFUL stuff, the MINUTE I say cool i think we go ther this time I get a spit wad in the face,, ( you'd REALLY think Id learn NOT to stand there looking at her,
And I can vouche for I have NOT found one that tastes good yet, lol
I've never gotten ill either but then i have never had half a tube or anything, lol The empty wormers should be discarded in plastic bags and where dogs cant get them cause they are ABSOLUTLY Deadly poison to dogs, even just to chew on an empty.