I voted "other" because these days it just depends on what is available.
Earlier in the spring we were feeding alfalfa cubes at night, fescue in the morning. Ideally for most of our horses we like a grass/alfalfa mixture, with straight grass for the easiest keepers. Unfortunately this year we don't have a choice, we just buy what is available.
Right now we have several horses that are on straight grass (brome) hay; we've been scraping, too, to come up with plain grass bales for them. The other horses are all on 2nd cut alfalfa; some of the bales have maybe 15% grass, but for the most part it's straight alfalfa. That's the only good hay we've been able to get, and if we're very, very lucky we'll be able to get very similar hay for the coming year...rain has ruined the first cut of hay here, so that means no grass hay unless we can find someone that has late (as in over ripe
) hay...someone who has waited in hopes of missing all the rain, and who manages to get the hay baled dry the end of this month... likewise, if our hay supplier can get his 2nd cut baled dry, then he'll have alfalfa for us again, and we'll consider ourselves very lucky. If 2nd cut gets ruined too, then I am honestly not sure what we'll be feeding.
Anyway, our horses have been on alfalfa for several weeks now, at least 6 weeks I guess. There are 3 young geldings here that are much too fat, but the lactating mares are all looking great--not too fat, but not dragged down by their foals either, and the babies are all in nice shape. The young stock is in good shape too--out of condition because they aren't doing anything except standing around (too much mud to do anything else!)
So, no, we have no problem feeding alfalfa to the Minis.