Well-Known Member
Are you doing Thanksgiving this year? Are you at home or traveling?
Are you letting the restraurant do the the cooking?
Tell all and let's enjoy the different menus and activities!
We will be hosting the meal this year. Planning to eat at noon so my niece and her family can then go and fill up again at her husband's family's for supper. 12 adults and 5 kids. We will of course have the Turkey (20# bird in the freezer at the moment). I plan to do him in the roaster and save the oven for rolls, etc. Mashed potatoes and gravy. Stuffing (oven, not bird). Two vegetables (not sure what, my Mom's bringing those). Tossed salad. Relishes. Rolls. Strawberry Bavarian. And I do the desserts too because I love baking so much. And of course, I am going overboard: several pumpkin pies, chocolate velvet cream pie, rice krispy treats, brownies with icing, chocolate chunk cookies and peppermints for the too full tummys!

We will be hosting the meal this year. Planning to eat at noon so my niece and her family can then go and fill up again at her husband's family's for supper. 12 adults and 5 kids. We will of course have the Turkey (20# bird in the freezer at the moment). I plan to do him in the roaster and save the oven for rolls, etc. Mashed potatoes and gravy. Stuffing (oven, not bird). Two vegetables (not sure what, my Mom's bringing those). Tossed salad. Relishes. Rolls. Strawberry Bavarian. And I do the desserts too because I love baking so much. And of course, I am going overboard: several pumpkin pies, chocolate velvet cream pie, rice krispy treats, brownies with icing, chocolate chunk cookies and peppermints for the too full tummys!