What's the craziest thing you have done to get a horse?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2005
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Last week my hubby dared me to eat a teaspoon of wasabe when we were out for sushi. I'm not sure how many of you have had wasabe but it is like scorching hot horseradish. So I said "What will you give me if I do? A new horse?" tee hee. So he said yes. So I put the whole thing in my mouth and then he said "You can't just swallow it." So I smooshed it all around my mouth and then the pain began! Fumes were coming out my eyes and nose and boy did I have a stomach ache for a while after but I am getting a new horse!! lol. She is a 2 year old dark bay filly and I think I might call her Wasabe! So what's your stories? lol.
No, I think the husband knows not to dare me to do anything for a horse, because he knows I will!
Last week my hubby dared me to eat a teaspoon of wasabe when we were out for sushi. I'm not sure how many of you have had wasabe but it is like scorching hot horseradish. So I said "What will you give me if I do? A new horse?" tee hee. So he said yes. So I put the whole thing in my mouth and then he said "You can't just swallow it." So I smooshed it all around my mouth and then the pain began! Fumes were coming out my eyes and nose and boy did I have a stomach ache for a while after but I am getting a new horse!! lol. She is a 2 year old dark bay filly and I think I might call her Wasabe! So what's your stories? lol.
I did that with hot mustard for $5. I got ripped off.

It wasn't just hot mustard, it was like "peel the paint off your car" hot mustard. My husband was VERY impressed and still brags about how tough I am to all his friends.

The only thing I ever did was when my ex went behind my back and sold my car and bought an over priced truck that we could not afford and didn't need I threw a fit and demanded I get an equal amount of money to what he spent on the truck. But we couldn't afford either one and it turned out badly all the way around. I had the horse a lot longer than he had the truck, though, and she was a LOT cheaper. lol.
My hubby is bragging too. lol. He said he would never have done it. tee hee. I am used to heat. We eat alot of hot peppers, jalapenos, habaneros etc but this was a totally different heat. WHEW! I never knew fumes could come out of your eyes! lol He said the horse was totally worth it! lol
I haven't done anything crazy. When it comes to purchases, I'm really the one who decides. I always run it by Harvey because I wouldn't want to get a specific new horse if he would be upset... generally, it just kind of goes something like "Hey, I think I'm going to buy this horse. Look..."

NOW, when it comes to sales, then we do butt heads a bit. Believe it or not, I'm the hard nose in that department. We have a couple here that could go be someone else's horses if not for H being too attached
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I bought a mare (bred) and had her delivered while hubby wasn't home. I turned her loose in the pasture with the rest of the horses (she knew many of them already from a previous home) and then I just acted like nothing was new. I figured it might take him DAYS to discover another one, but...

He came home and immediately said

"what horse is that?"

"what horse?"

"that horse running around!"

"I don't know what horse you're talking about!"

"Parmela, what is the horse doing here?"

When he pulled out the "git in this house right now!" tone I knew I was had! :DOH! He was so ticked! He made me promise to never bring another horse home without discussing it with him!
I was in the dog house for a while after that!!
I've begged, cried and pleaded. I can put on quite the acacademy award winning performance!
I haven't done anything crazy. When it comes to purchases, I'm really the one who decides.

Same thing here as long as I can use my own money that I earned and not tap into family funds. The horse department is mine.
Rhonda-Lynne and Parmela, you BOTH have me in stitches laughing at your situations!

I am more like Jill and Marty...I basically just decide and make mention of it just to "prepare" him, but it is rarely he ever says anything other than "do you really think you need another horse?". A year or so ago he objected , but that is rare, and I went ahead and made the purchase anyway, and then kicked my butt for doing so, wishing I had listened to him to begin with.
Not too often THAT ever happens!
I bought a black/white pinto mare from a friend and hubby was out of town when she was delivered. He is a non horsey husband so I didn't tell him because I wanted to see if he would notice. I only had 4 miniatures at the time. I told my friends that it would take him weeks to notice and we had a bet going (loser buys lunch) on the amount of time it took him to notice her. He knew I was looking for another mare.

Well it took him a month to finally come to me and ask where did that horse come from. Told him I bought her last month and he was shocked that he had not noticed.

Well I got a free lunch. LOL

I haven't done anything to get a horse but i've tried to hide them.

Years ago when I didn't have any horses I decided to get a mini donkey. Me and a friend got her here, BF wasn't home yet. I got her all tucked in for the night and when my BF came home not long after, the town 6 o'clock whistle blew and so did the donkey, lol. He asked "what was that" and I tried to play dumb like I didn't hear a thing. I was BUSTED!!

Another time a few years ago I got a new big horse, I always try to have them delivered while he's not home, the new one was here a week before he noticed her and she's huge.

Uh - you're supposed to tell them ?
I'm in big trouble then :DOH! My money, my horses - in general that means that I am broke and wear the same shoes until I can see thru the soles and shop at WalMart for my clothes, use duct tape on my boots when they get so cracked that they are worthless - oh, yep, I've got it all figured out! :DOH!

My mom didn't do anything crazy, she just emailed my dad and said that since he got his boat and its in the yard then she should be able to get a horse and put it the the yard so he said inly if we keep it small.
Well, the conversation went something like this:

"It's either me or the horses"....

Any questions?

Liz R.
Since I'm the only one here.......no problems except my own

But, when hubby was alive, he never said anything about whatever I bought.
I do remember at an auction once --- been a looong time ago -- when the bidding got to $7,500 on a yrling filly he told the guy next to him that he sure hoped the other guy bidding ran out of money soon
'cause he could see that filly was coming home with ME!!! :DOH!
Yeah, she did!

We should ALL have such understanding mates
I "might" have told hubby that I had made a much more sizeable down payment on a horse than I really had in all actuality....see he didn't want to lose the deposit, and I got the horse.

Rofl these are great stories!! Very creative Scoopiedoo!

Let's see well it's just me and the parents, but I - might - have....

Begged. pleaded. pretended to give up. save the horse's picture and stare at it whenever I knew mom was looking. have the window up, and when mom was in the room quickly close it as soon as she saw it so it looked like I was hiding my obsession. print off his pics and stick them all over my school binder. when I knew mom was looking I'd "accidentally" move whatever was covering the pics, then hide it once she saw, to again make it look like he was this secret burning desire.

final step: act surprised when i found his pics in a folder under the christmas tree.
the pitiful horse-crazy girl trick works every time! *points to signature*
I guess it would be ok if I just wanted one horse. I pleaded for a herd of 16 and at least 8 were bred. It took a while and some financing, but we did finally get them. One of their babies was the congress grand champion last year. Now we miss any that pass away as they were a bit older when we got them--hubby more so than me even.
I had been talking for years and showing pictures to my husband of my ideal dream buckskin stallion and one day I would get him. Well while cruzin the Lil Beginnings Sale Board I came across an ad for a breeder of minis in the town I drive to everyday to work 30 mins away. Wouldn't you know it, there was my dream buckskin stallion for sale on her webpage that was PERFECT with the PERFECT pedigree. I showed my husband and told him I was going to go look at him. You know we can't afford to buy a horse right now, he said. I said, I know but I am just going to go look at him. So I did and fell in love with him! My mind went to work thinking and why I don't know but it hit me! I told hubby, I bet she would love to have a concrete aisle way in her barn, I think I will offer her that and just see what she says. He does concrete for a living so onto my email I went to offer her just that. Wouldn't you know, she did want concrete in her barn and he is now in my barn! I just couldn't believe my non animal loving husband, did an all day job for me, for no pay , for a horse!!! He does love me!
Now I can't promise he would do it again but that's ok, I have my dream buckskin in my barn and runs my pasture!

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