Whats your FAVORITE saying?

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When at work---Oh my stars!

I work at a school, so have to keep it nice. :bgrin

When someone ticks me off, What goes around will come around, I just hope I'm around to see it!

At home---Shi*fire and molasses!
I almost forgot one of my all time favorates. This working here is like working in a bowl of granola, what ain`t fruit and nuts are flakes.
One I caught myself saying a couple of times today," and you're surprised how?"

Learn from my mistakes, no need to make your own - ( to newbie horse buyers)

Craddle cakes - (when I'm frustrated in trying to fix something - have no idea what a craddle is )

If you don't believe in the bible, is it REALLY going to hurt you to practice what it teaches?

What goes around comes around
"bite me"

"whatever _____ worker" some days it is mcdonalds others it is something else :bgrin

"go suck and egg"

"because it builds character" this replaces "because I said so" to my kids when they are whining about something I asked them to do......

lately I call anything in my way ie ..dogs sheep cats kids if it is under my feet it will hear "dam mit move jack of as$"...which I think translated equates to.... plug it up over there male of donkey :bgrin
My favorite sayings -

"A diamond is just a lump of coal of coal that did well under pressure."

"Never argue with an idiot. They just drag you down to their experience and beat you with experience." My son hears that on occasion!

One that belongs over all mirrors - "You are looking at the problem"

Said often -

"Peachy Keen", "How nifty"

"And I should care why?"

A few expletives that would be deleted here!
Thought of another............................

Life is BASICALLY an exciting ADVENTURE!

This I use for good and bad days.

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