What's your pet peeve???

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Allure Ranch

Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2008
Reaction score
San Antonio, Texas
O.K., mine is when I'm reading the forum responses that people post some individuals fail to give me the ability to know who they are..... and there farm. So unfortunately I have to keep checking their profile and I'm now starting feel like a staker. Ha! Especially now that I can't seem to remember if I've looked at certain ones before or not. Please help me out with this.... you really don't need to remain a secret. Ha!

and THANK YOU to those of you that do provide me with the ability to know who the hech you are without looking into your profile....


Kimberle Young

Allure Ranch

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Ok you know me

My website which has all my info and contact is in my signature and i try pretty hard to keep my profile information completed...planning to work on the profile some this evening
. No secrets here...my name, location and contact all here
People that do not listen, their way is the only way.
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My website which has all my info and contact is in my signature and i try pretty hard to keep my profile information completed...planning to work on the profile some this evening
. No secrets here...my name, location and contact all here

[SIZE=12pt]No complaints here on your's... Thank you very much... I GREATLY APPRECIATE IT.[/SIZE]

I enjoy knowing who people are, where there located and knowing about there farm. I personally make it a point to view each individuals website if they've listed them under there reponses on the forum. I like to make myself aware of what horses they may have or may be selling that I possibly might be interested in at some point in time. Please people tell me who you are on your post. You just might have one that I'll want...

Kimberle Young

Allure Ranch

I've got plenty of info on me and my horses on my website, so that's no issue there for you

As to pet peeves... I've got too many to type out

I'm sure I could come up with several pet peeves, but one near the top of my list is people who advertise with a sob story that they have to sell because of medical (or other) problems and there is no way they would be selling otherwise. Then, before they hardly get them sold, they've bought more and are offering some of them for sale. I have no problem with a person buying and selling, just the phoney sob stories.
Those who think there is only one way to do it.

Heck, I have 10 horses and many of the things I do is 7 different ways cause they are all different!!!

Maybe that's just because they are mine and that is me.
My biggest forum peeve is people who INSTANTLY put someone down for doing something they don`t feel is "right".
My biggest forum peeve is people who INSTANTLY put someone down for doing something they don`t feel is "right".
[SIZE=12pt]I have to agree with you... I've noticed a trend. Some individuals are WAY to critical of others and need to possibly remember a little tact when responding. A little kindness goes a long way... even if you disagree with someone.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Kimberle Young[/SIZE]

Allure Ranch

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I am sure a head doctor would tell us that I have more hang ups than a closet, but my biggest pet peeve is negative people that never have anything good to say about anyone or anything. The first thing that always comes out of the mouth of these type people is critisism and tales of how things are bad and going to get worse.

They are a real drag to be around, talk to or even associate with.

Personally I love this world the dear lord has given us and appreciate the things he has blessed me and mine with. Sometimes things could be better, but all in all things are pretty good. Just my spin on things. LOL

By the way, I hope everyone has a wonderful, properous and Happy New Year.
I've got a lot of them (
) but one of my biggest that goes for here or in the show ring are people who think their horses' poop doesn't stink.
For Heaven's Sake people! We're talking about tiny horses here, not solving world peace. Try to relax a little and be happy for everyone around you. It will only bring you up and increase the prosperity and happiness of all. Life's too short for this kind of behavior, IMO.

OK, off my soapbox.
It doesn't really "bother" me since I know on a lot (most really) online message boards, people are anonymous and want to be. However, I do often put more stock into the advice of people I recognize for who they are / what they have done in minis.

I probably have a lot of pet peeves but am feeling laid back this morning for a change
None come to mind right now.
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I like to know a little about others too Kimberle,

Many people might not know about the recently updated My Controls options.

We also as forum members all now have a personal info box that we can fill in, to tell others about ourselves.

This is really a great way for us to share a little info about ourselves, and learn something about others.

I just filled mine in the other day and its really alot of fun.

Mary Lou has added some other great options that we all can take advantage of,

including who you want to add to your friends list.
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Don't flame me with this one,

But, my biggest pet peeve is the early 20 year olds who think they know just about everything. After all they are now adults and fresh out of shcool. Their little bit of book knowledge seems to make them feel they do not have to learn anything more, as they know it all.

My nieces are this way right now,
as are some on the forum. I know that when I was in my early 20's and fresh out of college I knew everything there was to know too. (it is amazing how age will teach you that you know nothing)

But, there is nothing like life experience, and learning from someone who has done it for many years. (as well as written knowledge).

Also----I am adding a new pet peeve as I was on line looking at some mares and a stallion for sale. NO POSTED PRICES. Sorry, but I am NOT going to contact you and ask you what your prices are.(there are too many good horses out there that have their prices posted, so I will look at them instead) I do spent quite a bit for my horses, so buying a $10,000 or more horse is not uncommon for me, but with no posted prices, I am just not going to ask. Nor am I going to contact a Private Treaty either. To me Private Treaty means that you can change your asking price to what ever you want whem someone contacts you.
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Don't flame me with this one,
But, my biggest pet peeve is the early 20 year olds who think they know just about everything. After all they are now adults and fresh out of shcool. Their little bit of book knowledge seems to make them feel they do not have to learn anything more, as they know it all.

My nieces are this way right now,
as are some on the forum. I know that when I was in my early 20's and fresh out of college I knew everything there was to know too. (it is amazing how age will teach you that you know nothing)

But, there is nothing like life experience as well as written knowledge.
I actually have to agree with this entirely! I am actually getting ready to turn 21 myself and luckily never had the "I am smarter than everyone" problem but know a LOT of people (mainly in my classes) that have that mentality. I am constantly calling my mom for advice for the horses or whatever mainly just because I would rather admit I don't know everything than to have the horses pay for it with their health. So I have to second this pet peeve!

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