Little Wolf Ranch
Well-Known Member
I've foaled out riding horses before but none would ever let you feel/touch their udders. I was feeling my pregnant mare's udders today and behind the teats I could feel some stiffer tissue but I don't know if its milk or just mammary glands? I tried to express milk (I'm a pro at milking dogs and goats. . .don't ask LOL) and nothing came out whatsoever.
I guess I am just getting V-E-R-Y nervous since I've been reading about all these lost foals. . .
I have also noticed that she has gotten MUCH bigger in the belly over the past month but is carrying the foal very high - looking from the sides she doesn't look pregnant but she obviously is because that baby is moving like crazy. Below is a pic of her taken today along with today's udder pics. She was pasture bred but I am pretty sure she caught in June so she is a maximum of 271 days as of 2/27/2010.
*****UPDATE AS OF 3-1-2010*****
This morning and evening she seems a little more "swollen" but isn't "swishing" with milk that I can tell. Yesterday I tried to express any fluid/milk and got absolutely none and then this morning and evening I can express a very small (when I say very small, I mean barely enough to let wick onto a piece of paper to see color and feel the texture - basicly a few tiny drops) amount of clear, water-like, non-sticky, no smell/taste fluid. Is this normal/bad?
ALSO: Missy was pasture bred from May 30th to September 30th 2009 but I believe she took in her heat cycle in June - she was very active in June but not in July, August or September - no interest in the stud whatsoever until later on in her pregnancy here lately but foal kicks (and strong ones at that) confirm her pregnancy anyways. So with that being said I believe she is somewhere between 275 and 244 days along - she is a maiden and is her progress coming on too quickly?
Thanks again fellow members!
I guess I am just getting V-E-R-Y nervous since I've been reading about all these lost foals. . .

*****UPDATE AS OF 3-1-2010*****
This morning and evening she seems a little more "swollen" but isn't "swishing" with milk that I can tell. Yesterday I tried to express any fluid/milk and got absolutely none and then this morning and evening I can express a very small (when I say very small, I mean barely enough to let wick onto a piece of paper to see color and feel the texture - basicly a few tiny drops) amount of clear, water-like, non-sticky, no smell/taste fluid. Is this normal/bad?
ALSO: Missy was pasture bred from May 30th to September 30th 2009 but I believe she took in her heat cycle in June - she was very active in June but not in July, August or September - no interest in the stud whatsoever until later on in her pregnancy here lately but foal kicks (and strong ones at that) confirm her pregnancy anyways. So with that being said I believe she is somewhere between 275 and 244 days along - she is a maiden and is her progress coming on too quickly?
Thanks again fellow members!

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