when do you start your mare stare?

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I start my mare stare when the mare is fully bagged up, or at around 300-310 days gestation, whichever comes first.
We start checking for signs on the mares about one month prior ..... and after that it's up to the individual animal.

One month before the due date.

We had a mare in 2004 that was bred when we bought her. Very precise dates-- no chance of error. We put her in the foaling stall and the next day she foaled-- at day 306. We were lucky to have her so close-- instead of 500 yards away. She didn't look close, either. I don't want to think what would have happened if my daughter hadn't been there!!

Anyway. It was a good lesson. And thankfully not learned the hard way!

She's under camera now as if she's going to foal around day 300 again. Hopefully we're not watching her for two months!

Better safe than sorry!!!
[SIZE=14pt]I cneck bags routinely but generally speaking they go in the foaling stall between 290 and 300 days.[/SIZE]

I usually start 2-4 weeks before the mare is due. I have no "set" time, but go more by signs presented. I have 4 or 5 due this year, with all being due in April, so although it will be a busy month for me, it will be nice to have them all come within a month or so of each other, and then back to normal sleeping!!
We just brought in three to watch, they are at 300 days. At this point just checking bags, not staring. One mare comes in two months before her due date as she foals at 10 months. We forgot last year and found a little suprize out in the dirt lot one evening!
I start checking for udder development at 280 days gestation. I usually put them in a foaling stall when they start bagging up. They are under camera at that point, but not being watched too closely. When I get more 'signs' that a mare is close, then the Breeder Alert goes on too.
They move into the foaling stall under the camera at 290 days. And get checked regularly after that for changes. One mare here foaled a full term healthy filly at 296 days.

With minis - there is no "due date" to me... I just note the 300 day mark on the calendar... and go by that. The range has been from the aforementioned 296 days to 336 days....
: ...with most of the foals arriving in the 315 - 320 range...
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I seperate my broodmares on their last trimester, and thats when I start watching them closely if their are any signs of udder development and you can see clearly the changes that are happening.
We bring our broodmares to the barn closest to our house within one month(or even earlier) of their due date. We do a bag check every two to three days so we can see how they are progressing. So far, with this system, we have only had a few mares foal when they were not in the barn by our house.
May 2007! :bgrin Think it will be worth the wait... The foals will be Little Kings Big City Bucks x my Goldie and Little Kings BT Buck Bandito x my Lou. Then in 2008 we'll have some Destiny and DunIT foals.

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