When do you think she will foal?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Green Springs Ohio
Warning -- semi graphic photos.

This is Angel, she was bred May 23-24 and today is at 344 days...she has had a hot full bag for about the past month, relaxed hip and vulva and i noticed today she was darker red inside her vulva. She is 33" tall ... in foal to a tiny 28" stallion (i purchased her in foal). I've been watching her like a hawk the past month as she has had red bag deliverys before and she normally foals three weeks early but we are at day 344 today so...ultrasound in foal.

If anyone wants to play the guessing game ...feel free to. I am really really hoping she will go this weekend as i will be around the house / barn and weekend...

Photos from today..








Then Sequel .. who is due May 16th but i think she may go a bit early..she has made a LOT of progress in the last week..

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Leanna I have next to no experience but all three of my mares were light to moderate pink inside their vulva until the day they foaled and then it was very dark. So maybe soon?? I hope so
I'm right there with you Leanna...I have a mare that could be your's twin and she is 324 days today!! Her udder isn't quite as big as hers but otherwise they look the same!!!! Check out my new post-IS SHE READY YET? I'm going to post it now.
She looks like she is not going to hang in there much longer. I find that the vulva gets a deep read throughout when they are about ready to foal. This could change from AM to PM.
I hope she goes soon for you. My mare didnt show any different signs the night she foale except that her vulva felt different. Kinda mushy i guess. She had been ready for like the past week and then bang.. that one slight difference and she had her... So if she looks darker and if there is any slight change she may go within a couple of hrs.

Good luck!!!!


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