I have a pair of Epic boots that I got when I took my mini to a Pete Ramey clinic. However, he did not care for the way they fit him and gave them to me. I tried them for a couple of days but it caused bruising on the heel. So I tried to copy the boots described on the Best of the Forum and I could not get it to work right. I was on a barefoot list bemoaning the lack of boots and this person replied. They are a little pricey, but if they fit right they are well worth it. I have not bought a pair yet because I am waiting for an opinion from my barefoot trimmer.
as far as the other post about white line separation, I found a wonderful product that really helped. I have been dealing with an IR mini for a couple of years now. I had no idea that thrush could go into the hoot and effect the lamina. So I have used this product called Clean Trax and it has made a major difference. It is a hoof soak and for mini's IV bags work well. If you need any more information please let me know.