Well-Known Member
marty, you crack me up!
thanks, basketmiss. i redid this room about 4 years ago so the border isn't too awful old. i got it at a local wallpaper/paint store. if you're interested, i'll check to see if they still have it. you can't see them in the pictures but every 12" or so, there is a bluebird nest box on a fence post with bluebirds flying around it. the "wainscotting" is actually wallpaper, not paneling. the huskies are long gone but they were about 2 years old when i took them to a professional photographer. he got so many great pics of them, it was hard to choose just one!
Charlene, I cant believe that is wall paper wainscotting! it looks just like my wood wainscotting! Yes I would like the border name if you can find it, then i can look around here or online for i, or the number to your store if they would shipt...
Well I'm embarrassed! Here's my "hole" as I call it. I'm in the worst part of the house of course where it's dark and nasty. I've been banished to the very back of the house opposite the mud room and wow is it every freezing back here. I'm right by the back door, like 2 feet from it where there is no heat and no remodeling has been done back here whatsoever and I feel the roof is going to fall on my head one day soon. They might as well have just shoved me the rest of the way the heck out the door. And compared to you guys, I'm a slob too. I had a nice computer desk but it wasn't big enough to hold all my junk so he made me this countertop and shelves so I should quit complaining.
It's just so hard being me.
See the phone? Gimmee a call.
Marty, your area looks just fine!! it suits your purpose and thats what counts! Is that an old computer monitor or old tv on the left shelf? it looks small and I wondered? I love old stuff...