I live in North Carolina, however, as an Army brat (then a transient adult), most state laws are similar.
Horses being ridden or driven are considered vehicles (as are bicyclists) and must obey all traffic laws...so are allowed an entire traffic lane. If you don't have turn signals, you must use hand signals when turning or changing lanes. You must stop at all stop signs, and follow the rules for rights-of-way.
Pedestrians must walk AGAINST the flow of traffic if there are no sidewalks.
*****Sad fact****
Four years ago, my 21 year old nephew decided to walk home from work one night. He was walking on the same side as traffic, in a VERY well lit area by a school, and was struck by a truck and killed instantly. Initial determination? Driver NOT at fault, because pedestrian was walking with the flow of traffic. As far as I know, this case is still being fought in court.
Sad, sad fact, yet it is still a fact. Please know your local traffic and pedestrian laws, and obey them. It might save your family, loved ones or friends unneeded grief.
("Nos vemos otro lunes, tía..." I'll see you another Monday Alexis..