White facial markings can be typical of a specific pattern - for example a blaze that is regular and descends to touch the lower lip is typical of Sabino, a blaze that is irregular, hangs to one side or the bottom of the face is typical of Splash and a broad blaze
can indicate LWO- blue eyes are carried by Splash but we are pretty sure
not by Sabino (there is argument on this, but it tends to be well natured!) Four white socks can mean Tobiano.
What is clear now, though, is that there is no such thing as "normal" white markings all white markings are caused by Pinto- and yes, Sabino is the usual culprit but there is a lot of Splash in Arabs and TBs and it exhibits as "normal " white markings, just as does Sabino.
So, without a test it is difficult.
Interestingly, Sabino in Appies accentuates the markings so, in spite of "pinto" being anathema to Appy breeders there is a lot of Sabino in the breed, breeders tend to ignore it or write it off as "normal" white markings!
For ages, though, it lurked in Arabs and TBs then, with a little encouragement, burst forth.
Maybe sometime in the future, when Pintaloosa is not a swear word in Appies, there will be a few surprises!!
Come onto the Equine Color Forum, Songcatcher, Chandab and quite a few more are already there, and there are a few Appy breeders as well. You would be most welcome.