Who all has sick horses!!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2005
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The Great North West
It is an epidemic around here!! I have 1, so far. Not that I want others. Slick is not very sick though. JUst a little cold (I hope!)

I truly hope everyones horses get well soon. We need to make a big get well card for them all!! :aktion033:
Coco has it to!

I hope slick is feeling better soon, thats how it started out with Coco ..just a little sick. Three days later he is on a billion different meds.

I think Co' will be better around Monday or Tuesday though, Sunday if he's feeling better were going out to let him pick some grass on the lead for about 10 minutes with the blanket on.

Nabor's horse down the road, is TWH is sick to.

I hope everyone's little guys get better

I found one of my two year old fillies down in the field tonight at feeding time, she had been rolling. :eek:

I got her medicated and she's in a stall under a camera, and she's feeling WAY better now. I hope she stays that way. Poor thing, it sure scares me when my horses aren't feeling well. :new_shocked:
I'm treating a weanling colt for an ulcer in his cornea. Pretty bad one. He's on Banamine, Ciprofloxacin, and Atropine once a day and 2 kinds of opthalmic antibiotics 4 X day. Stalled during the day and out at night. Lots of medicating but he's being such a good boy!
We had 3 weanlings with colds. Went ahead and put them on SMZ's, since we had just took them away from mamma's and not too sure about their resistance and didn't want them missing any meals. They are so trusting and cute when they are that little and taking meds out of your hand. They come right up and chew them like candy. 2 are finished and the other has 2 more days. She didn't come down sick until after the other two.
Doing pretty well here, the worst thing going on has been gooey eyes and I think it's due at least in part to dry, dusty and windy conditions. Knocking on wood now that we stay healthy

I had several snotty nosed horses in the fall, but was in the midst of this horrible move and some pretty stressful things going on, so did not treat. They were all out in pasture at that point - I was checking on them of course - and everyone sailed through with no problems. Doesn't always work that way of course.

Add me to the snotty nose group!! :lol: My gelding is doing much better - he was on antibiotics for 10 days - if he's not 100% by Monday I'm going to ask the vet to do a re-check!

Liz R.
Well, nobody's really sick here... but we did notice our two year old colt has some light clear drainage from his nose. Almost didn't see it. We did have goopy eyes on everyone when it was so windy last week during all those darn storms. Since it's still windy on occasion, I'm assuming Danny's nose is weather related. It might be that the house directly behind his paddock he shares with King is getting it's roof fixed (as in parts being taken off, and new stuff put on. I didn't notice any particles coming off it today, but who knows what happens when I'm not standing right there?). We're watching to make sure this drainage on Danny isn't something more serious.
Timmy is very sad that you guys are all feeling so sick.

He is very worried.

So he put on his scarf to keep him warm, and went

out and picked you some flowers.

Then he grabbed you a rainbow to brighten up

your day.

Then, he sent you an angel for protection.

Afterwards, he made you this get well card.

This is for all the sick horsies from Timmy.

Yes, my daughter's black filly just starting coughing but no fever - have her on cough meds and keeping watch. Unfortunately, my friend just lost Mousy, a grulla grade quarter gelding, one of her old guys (big horse) to colic yesterday, for the last couple of years, he has been colicking every few months- Vet believes this was due to worm infestation damage caused before she got him (He was in terrible shape!)

edited for spelling!
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OH TIMMY, Your Mommy taught you so well. You area sweet boy and I know all those sick ones out there appreciate your good thoughts.

We thought Shadow was "pee peeing" pink in the snow and Carl his daddy has been very worried , but now he thinks maybe it's just showin up dark in the snow. He drinks very well and eats good and we are very isolated here so should be free of any "germies" out there.

Timmy you and your stablemates stay well now and you keep that scarf on to keep warm:) Maxine

We currently have on on IV meds for a broncitis(sp?)/cough that won't go away, and that horse also has an abcess in his chest from a puncture wound(happened before we bought him) so looks like he will be on IVs for a couple of weeks...

Coco's loaded up on meds! He's becoming one little druggie!

He's on Bute, Naxcel, some G word medacine that i dont know off the top of my head, Red Cell and is eating Beet Pulp Soaked Pellets.

I love that horse!

Timmy is so sweet but l think along with his scarf he should have on matching leg warmers.

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