Who do you consider the top breeder(s) of....

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2003
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I am curious to see everyones opinion on who they feel is the top breeder(s) of AMHR Over Division horses in our industry? If you wanted to purchase a Over Divison AMHR Show Horse, Breeding Stock, etc. where would be the first place you would contact or look and why? Just for fun and curiosity sake. Thank you!
There is so many different criteria to look for but I guess for me personally my first place to look would be Taylor pony farm. Breeder of the year over and over to many to list winning ponies in both AMHR and ASPC for sure would be my first stop and lucky for you their annual sale is just around the corner :)
I love the show stock that the Lucky Hart Ranch of North Dakota are producing. Renee Reiten is the owner and a fellow forum member. She goes by the name Lavern.
I would put Lewella right up there too.......
There are so many! But Lucky Heart and Taylor Pony farm are the ones I drool over the most. That being said I did pick up my halter gelding from Ventura Miniatures and he is great.

Well there are a lot of really great breeders of over horses... I would shop at:

Lucky Hart

Rhapsody Shetlands

Taylor Pony Farm

Establo (A Stable Business)

Jolie Cheval

Buckeye WCF

Lakeside Stables

SMHC had produced many winning horses

I'm sure there are more, this is off the top of my head...

Wall Street (although they dispersed...)

Buckeye WCF



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Definitely Getita at Buckeye Walnut Creek

Oh! I certainly ditto - Getita and Establo (Sandy).......for MANY reasons.
Buckeye WCF

Lucky Hart

Taylor Pony Farm



are some that come to mind.
I have to add D & S (Ludke's) to the list, along with Buckeye Walnut Creek, also Erica, and those Michigan horses are quite something but we all know that!
I've got to mention my good friend, Erica Killion. She's behind a very respectable list of over (and under) AMHR National Champions
Im personally NOT into "B" minis or shetlands as I am a die hard "A" sized lover BUT I have noticed a local farm who breeds some really nice ASPC/AMHR.

Amore Miniatures
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I was going to say to go look at Ericas, She has a lot of really nice horses and is one of the better breeders that we have dealt with as far as how helpful and knowledgeable she is.
There has a lot been mentioned and Im sure many other good ones not, I go with Jill, Erica does a fine job!
My choice would be LUCKY HART love those GEORGE foals
Thanks guys......my AMHR/ASPC program is just really now kicking off in the past few years and this year will be the biggest bang hopefully - with Pharaoh foals getting on the ground this month!!! (National Grand Champion Stallion) These mares are just taking their SWEET TIME this year....

I just try to bred what I like to look at, and we all know we can't predict heights so I love my tall ones and my small ones
Well I think we should add Mike & Lisa Strassle to that list as they won the AMHR 2009 NATIONAL CHAMPION GET OF SIRE with their Red Alert entry , They have put together a very nice group of Double Reg. mares and have several Double Reg .Rock E sons that they use for breeding . Red Alert has already sired several AMHR National Champions.

Erica has a super group put together also , and they also have proven themselves in the ring.. She does a awesome job with her horses and I enjoy working with her ..

Actually the Wall Street is Not a the blood line , everything they were breeding was from Lloyd and Bonnie Hittle's horses that they purchased as a entire group , and Rock E was the herd Sire.. All of those horses were put together and bred by the Hittle's who to bad for us have both passed on.

Linda & Sheri Seddon have a very nice group of Double reg also , and got a lot of their Rock E bred horses from the Hittle's .. I myself have had many of the Rock E horses also , and many of them have been hardshiped in to the AMHR ....

So there are many very good breeders out there that are breeding for the OVER division Miniatures

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