Who has Foals coming , how many, When?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2007
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I so love the foals so wondered how many you all have coming or have just had if in 2008?

I have been watching Ericas and Diamond W on marestare this week and am getting anxious for them to foal!

Comfert Shetlands had a foal this week I watched then of course she had it after I went to bed! Figures!

So I am trying to catch some births..

We bred four mares this year, then when we were on vacation our farm-sitter didn't lock our stallion's gate and he got in with all the open mares, so now WHO KNOWS..... :DOH! There were 10 mares in that field. *sigh* We are HOPING that none got bred, but I doubt it. I'm going to try the ring test this weekend, just for fun!

No webcam for us, although I'd LOVE to have it.

I have 4 bred mares , with only one so far that I am sure is positively in foal
I don't have my cameras online, but do enjoy everyone else's!! I am also anxiously watching Geisha
I have 4 I know about... I didn't lock the gate and Patches got out with the other mares... :DOH! . So we will see.
We bred four mares this year, then when we were on vacation our farm-sitter didn't lock our stallion's gate and he got in with all the open mares, so now WHO KNOWS..... :DOH! There were 10 mares in that field. *sigh* We are HOPING that none got bred, but I doubt it. I'm going to try the ring test this weekend, just for fun!

No webcam for us, although I'd LOVE to have it.

Wow I hope it wasnt a potent day for him !! lol

From 4 to 14! I hope not for your sake! You wont get any sleep if thats the case!

Keep us posted on here, I love to hear about everyones...
I'm expecting six foals this year. Having them on MareStare would be wonderful, but not in the cards at least for this year. By the time my foals start arriving, everyone may be tired of mare staring anyway, lol!
I so love the foals so wondered how many you all have coming or have just had if in 2008?
I have been watching Ericas and Diamond W on marestare this week and am getting anxious for them to foal!

Comfert Shetlands had a foal this week I watched then of course she had it after I went to bed! Figures!

So I am trying to catch some births..

Surely you will get to catch a few births, I'll have more moving under cameras starting first of Feb - May, and I expect 15-20 foals, the final count depends on if the new mares I bought are really in foal or not.
I have 4 coming this year, 3 bred to my appy stud, and 1 bred to a direct rowdy son. We do not have webcam hooked up at our place, maybe next year.
We have 5 expected foals for this coming spring sired by our C-Chief Proud Eagle son, first mare's 330 due date is May 2nd, she's new for us so have no idea what her foaling habits are.. We have a cam but do not stream it online..

If you're looking to catch a foaling I'd keep tune into Styer Starlight ranch with Midnight, I've seen this gal foal many times and am friends with her owner.. She's dripping milk and waxing, and all signs say it's a go, wouldn't be surprised to see a foal out of her tonight or tomorrow:

Styer Starlight

Also another friend of mine has a QH mare who is waxing and looking ready, has kept us all on our toes for the past couple nights!

Heluva Ranch
We have 2 mares bred and confirmed in foal, due late May/early June. These will be our very first mini foals as our bred mare last year ended up with a false pregnancy. We have 2 cameras and will have one of them (at least) on Marestare, starting in May. Look under On Target Miniatures on Marestare, or by then we should have a link from our website. We plan to have our website updated this weekend so you can see all the info on the bred mares.
I have 5 due the last two weeks in May, the first one due the 18th but she came 3 days early, she is one who lays flat until the day before she foals, at least she did that with her first so we will see what she does this year.

the other 4 are due the 22 and 23rd. one maiden in that group.

My cams are on 24/7 but the mares who are due will be on the 1st of May.

My cams are on MareStare.

BLS Coppertop Ranch.

here is hte link to my message board thats where my cam link is.

BKS Message Board

UFM is also based in MI and has some due from April to Sept she also is on Marestare.

Strohbehn Quarter Horses has GiGi due the 20th, she is bagging up nicely and should go on or close to her due date, She is also on Mare Stare.

Hope you catch some foalings and and extra eye during mare watch is always welcome.

Hope that helps.

No cams for me, but I do have my first ever mini mare expecting my first ever mini foal for March!!! I can't wait and have been watching everyone elses cams to pass the time!!
We are expecting 13 foals this year!! Our 1st is due in March, and the last one is due at the end of June.... No Marestare here either, but I love the concept of it!!!
I don't have marestare - just a baby monitor with camera for my own use

but I do have my first 2 offical babies coming the end of April/first of may...

In 06 I purchased a mare that was suppose to be in foal and foal out in late March but didn't foal til mid July... and it was a mini mule
not hopeful 'keeper'

this year I know who was bred to whom and the time frames...
I have 2 due- been watching my little girl for last 8 days- she's still keeping her lags crossed! and the other mar is due at the end of the month-can't wait for it to be over! getting cameras tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!! It's sooo cold out today and raining..............
Expecting 4-6 here this year. I really wanted to get on Marestare this year, but the quotes for the trench (needed for the wires) from my barn to my house were quite pricey!!
Now trying to talk Mike into helping me, but I don't know when it's going to get done. Anyway, first foal expected Feb. 3. Last foal, if she is bred, will be in June.
We have 5 mares due, the first about March 1, and the rest in April/May. The first will be a full sibling to a nice bay/black pinto colt we showed last year, next are two maidens. We have two mares in foal to outside stallions this year too, anxious to see both foals.

No marestare here either, hate to think of what I look like in the middle of the night foaling out a mare.....being broadcast all over the internet!

We have 3 mares bred for this year. One to Stacy's Prince!!
The others are out of our stallion Sequoia Mime's Maximum Overdrive and will be our first home-bred foals out of the 3 years we have been breeding. Our first is due in February and our last is due mid-June. We're definitely in it for the long haul... :DOH! The computer guy should be here EVENTUALLY to help us hook up marestare, and this'll be our first year on it. Should be interesting!
Total of two bred for this year.

I have one mare due anyday... she's bagged up, and due..

Sorry, no streaming cams on this girl, but I'll be sure to share when the foal arrives..

The other is not due til mid August..

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