Who inspires you?

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Apr 12, 2008
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Who inspires you?

I'm not talking about someone you don't know...like Mother Teresa...I'm talking about people you do know. Family members, teachers, neighbors, friends.

I'd love to hear about the person who you look up to, the person who inspires you with their courage, their convictions, their kindness, their strength etc.

Anyone want to share?

I really dont know anyone But can say that the road I was on as a kid/teen was a very very bad one. I had to get a huge life lesson wake up call to realize drugs are no future, and neither was the path of usless boyfriends and lieing/stealing. I went from not having a mother who cared to my parents divorse to being a 9th grade drop out, loosing our farm to crack because of my dads new wife, him almost dieing, getting prego and deciding to not keep it, from partying and drugs with useless friends and boyfriends. Bounching from home to home and in trouble with cops.

By age 21...

Grew up! Got a awesome job, moved away from useless people, stopped the drugs/lieing/stealing, got a apartment, moved my dad in, bought my 1st mini, spent all my energy & extra $$$ on him, cleaned my act up, meet my now hubby, bought a house, now own 12 acres with 9 minis, + other pets, got a different alright job and do farrier work off the side and now trying to buy a buissness. Im now age 32. All in all, I think I came ALONG way from what anyone expected from me and Im the person who inspires me!
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All I can say is "WOW" ! How can that be topped!

You have every right to be inspired by yourself!

That has to be a lesson to anyone trapped in a downward spiral...I can't believe everything you have overcome.

What was the turning point for you MindyLee? What happened to bring you to such an incredible place that your now in? Did you just wake up one day and say enough is enough or was it a slow change?

You're very cool ML
MindyLee is a great example of someone who didn't fall into the "poor me" trap that today's society likes to "help". SHE pulled herself up by the bootstraps and made a better life for herself. KUDDOS.

When it comes to the spiritual side of life, I would answer... my mother. Her example has taught me to be nonjudgemental in listening to my daughter when it was important to be. Consequently, she has brought some of her friends to me as well. I try to give them advice, while not reading them the riot act. It's hard sometimes........ But I'm learning how to tell my teenager that I disaprove of something and that she's going to have to deal with the consequences and then watch how I am proven right.......and then have to bite my tongue from saying, "I told you so." LOL.
There are a number of people in my personal life and professional life that inspire me, but folks here do not know those people. People others here do know that inspire me include a couple of members.

Mary Lou inspires me for her willingness to provide a platform for others to express their opinions, even when those opinions are not similar to her own. I also am inspired by her ability to accept the opinions of others as just that -- other people's opinions -- and to remain friends with people who don't see eye to eye with her on some matters.

Erica Killion... what miniature horse enthusiast could help but admire her breeding and show ring success and feel inspired by it? But that's just part of it. Erica reaches that level of success in our industry / hobby while simultaneously achieving comparable accomplishments in her business, educational, and personal life. Now THAT is inspirational!
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Thanks guys! Im not a poor me type and hate hearing about others stories that do the poor me thing too. I always tell them the only way anything will ever change in their life is if they allow it to change.

Mine was I got a job. My 1st real job. It was nice not to scrounge or steal something I wanted. I paid for it with my own $$$ that I earned. I was still with the looser boyfriend and hung out with looser friends and noticed that they leached off me cause I had $$$. Then I realized I too did it to the poor person that I leached off before me. It was a huge wake up call. It was like a light switch and thats when I dropped all friends and stopped the partying and became a responsable adult. The boyfriend, who was a really nice person, just a theif & jobless, I tried to steer him straight, but he kept falling back into the pit of uselessness, so since he was weighing me down, I moved on and never looked back. I still run into a few of these folks that was my friends back then, and its crazy to see how much I have made of my life, and their still there. Most are still into drugs, crime, and now have a child or many childern that they use to suck the goverment dry in EBT, and food stamps. None work and are still the same sucking leaches they where 10+ yrs ago but only older now.

I say it happend very fast for me (less then a year) and even Im surprised at how my life has turned out. 12 yrs ago, I could tell ya I would be in prison or dead by age 30. Now I can say that I hope to have a wonderful life and grow old and hopefully live all the dreams I have. Its weird of how happy and fun it was back then and how I thought I had a kick a** life of doing nothing an living for nothing to now thinking what a stupid a** I was, & what was I thinking! Life is so much easier and better now.

I feel that my dreams have been 1/2 fullfilled. As a kid, I always wanted a big farm full of critters and to have a good running truck, a decient job, a partner who pitched in and seen everything equal as I do. I have all that now! Yep money is tight, and I love my job, not always but most of the time, and have a few goals still but Im only 32, it will happen someday as long as I allow it to happen. I think I came a long way from where I was headed and I would'nt have changed a thing! The past or future!
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I was going to post about who inspires me but your posts have made me change my mind. YOU are inspirational. In our society it's very easy to stay in the place you came from. We provide so many benefits it almost discourages people to get up and try to better themselves.

I can't help but want to wish you all the happiness and success you are working for and deserve

Way to go !!!!!
Where to start...my best friend since high school has been most inspiring person in my life. She always has such a positive attitude and a smile on her face regardless of what life has thrown her and it has thrown her some curve balls. She is always there when you need her.

There are a couple of horse people both Paint horse and miniature that inspire me with there simple but driven vision of the path they want to take with their horses. They see quality as something primarily to strive for and love sharing their wealth of information with others.

My grandma who is now gone, loved unselfishly giving to others and she often would do without so others had.

I am sure there are others but upon reading "Who inspires you?" these people come immediately to mind.

Great thread!

MIndyLee you go girl!!!! Keep reaching for the stars!!
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My mother, who has made some doozies for mistakes, but always pulls herself back up and puts her children first. She was a straight A student through highschool and an incredible dancer. Got pregnant at 17 and despite having a full scholarship to college had me instead. She was in 3 different abusive relationships and at the age of 28 was a single mom of 4. She taught herself how to decorate cakes and worked full time doing that and put herself through college at the same time. Us kids made nothing easier for her, unfortunately. We're a rather eccentric group

She now has an amazing job and is working on getting her masters. Even when things were at their worst, she never brought any of it onto her kids. She taught me compassion and empathy for others. Her favorite saying is "be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting their own battle". Judge no one, love everyone, give when you can. She's an amazing woman.
Mindy you are an inspiration. I had a similar child hood. I was raised in several foster homes because my Mother and Father were both alcoholics. Then I did the most stupid thing I get married at 17, and jumped from the frying pan into the fire. My husband was not only abusive he was old school, mind you it was the 1960's, I was forced to submit to any thing and everything. Got pregnant right away. It was way too young. Baby had colic, but I had to go to work when she was only two weeks old just to pay the rent, buy formula. Three kids later he was shot to death. No life insurance, no health insurance and I was stuck with the children plus all the bills he had accumulated. I pulled myself up from the bootstraps and dug myself in. I survived just like you did. If you believe in yourself you can overcome anything. I got remarried, had two more beautiful children, now have everything in life that is wonderful, horses, a farm, a wonderful husband that loves and cherishes me, great kids for the most part, the most precious grand children and even four great grand children. Life is what you make of it, just keep on the straight and never forget to believe in yourself. Befor the happyness there were so many bad times I can't possable put them on the net for others to see, but I've been raped, held at knife point, held at gun point, robbed and mugged. Thankfully no drugs for me! Some how God has pulled me through, he will help you too when ever you ask. Now to the OP's question.

I have an eleven year old Grandson that is my constant inspiration. He is not only a gentlman, he has a kind heart, is willing to always help others, he so inspires me to be a more kind, forgiveing, patient human being. AS he is mixed race he has been prejudiced against and never lets it get him down, he always shows love and respect to all he meets. I love and respect him, he is the most wonderful human to live on this earth and I'm thankful he is in my life.
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Riverrose, you are also an inspiration! I don't think those of us who have no experience living how you've lived can truly appreciate just how hard it must be to overcome obstacles so huge. I've always loved the kindness and depth of your posts - I now have a brand new appreciation of the person behind them.

It's so sad that children of some mixed race relationships are discriminated against. I remember back when my oldest boy was 5 or 6 years old. He did Tae kwon do with THE most beautiful child I think I've ever seen in my life (except mine of course lol) This little boy had a blond haired, blue eyed, fair skinned mom and a black haired, brown eyed, very dark skinned dad. Marquez (the little boy) and his sister had blond hair, golden brown skin and light colored eyes. Oh my gosh, they were stunning....and the nicest kids to boot
Well I've had some time to think on this subject, I have a little story to tell about my inspiration. Several years ago, we were at a horse show, we were waiting for the caterers to set up the food. My Grandson was playing with another young boy, they are both about five or six, they were playing with matchbox cars in the dust. The other little boy asked my Granson "What color are You", My Grandson said, "I'm not a color I'm an American", The other little boy said "Cool I'm an american too". We can all learn from the innocence of youth, I was brought to tears. We can all be inspired just by listening to the young ones. They don't see color, religion, etc. they just see another human, or American.
Well I've had some time to think on this subject, I have a little story to tell about my inspiration. Several years ago, we were at a horse show, we were waiting for the caterers to set up the food. My Grandson was playing with another young boy, they are both about five or six, they were playing with matchbox cars in the dust. The other little boy asked my Granson "What color are You", My Grandson said, "I'm not a color I'm an American", The other little boy said "Cool I'm an american too". We can all learn from the innocence of youth, I was brought to tears. We can all be inspired just by listening to the young ones. They don't see color, religion, etc. they just see another human, or American.
Oh my gosh, if that doesn't give folks goosebumps then I don't know what would.

That's a lesson we could all learn from.

Thanks for sharing

My mother, who has made some doozies for mistakes, but always pulls herself back up and puts her children first. She was a straight A student through highschool and an incredible dancer. Got pregnant at 17 and despite having a full scholarship to college had me instead. She was in 3 different abusive relationships and at the age of 28 was a single mom of 4. She taught herself how to decorate cakes and worked full time doing that and put herself through college at the same time. Us kids made nothing easier for her, unfortunately. We're a rather eccentric group

She now has an amazing job and is working on getting her masters. Even when things were at their worst, she never brought any of it onto her kids. She taught me compassion and empathy for others. Her favorite saying is "be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting their own battle". Judge no one, love everyone, give when you can. She's an amazing woman.
ohmt...your mom sounds like such a strong, loving woman.
Thanks everyone and you too ozymandias! I feel honored that ya would pick me! Keep up all the good stories as its really nice to hear such positive things from such a negitive world!

Riverrose You go girl!
WHO inspires me..well My Mom Carmen first off. She was a beautiful lady with so very much to offer. I was very lucky to have her as a Mom and will love her forever
...my sister Judy..she is amazing and has taught me so very much. She is the kindess person I know and will help anyone she can. An extremely un-selfish person. I love her so much...My husband Mel, he is amazing and treats me like a Queen and will love him forever!
...my great Neice Shaina, Wow talk about a VERY, VERY strong person. Even with her rare and horrible disease MEN1..she is the most positive person that I know and if anyone can survive this disease she WILL. I love her
...My dog, Zippy what a guy. He has taught me so much and been my best friend for 11 years...My part Arabian gelding who taught me how to stay on a horse
and so much more. I loved him so and enjoyed everyday of him owning me for 28 years..God bless him forever....plus so many other family, friends and animals I could go on and on!

Religiously my husband's daughter, Teresa. She has brought us all closer to God and has saved us. She is an amazing person and a saint in my opinion
...I love Joyce Meyers. An amazing woman who came from such horrible background to become so positive and inspiring so many, saving so many. She is a blessing!..and of course Mother Theresa she was a true Saint. Gandhi was an amazing man and I would have loved to have met him.

Others...Sheila Varian wow what a lady. It is my dream to someday meet her and her beautiful Arabian horses in person. She is truly amazing and talented...Meryl Streep, I think is one of the best actors ever. She has inspired me with her talent and beauty. I would love to meet her in person...Buck Brannaman has got so much talent that most people don't have in the tip of their pinky finger! I saw him when I was a kid and he was a kid, watching him at the Diamond Spur Rodeo in Spokane performing with his brother, but of course didn't know that he would become who is now!....Robert Redford for his forsight and talent!...and again sooo many more!

Love this!


I have a couple. Both happen to be therapists. One was the school therapist when I was in middle/high school and the other was at one point my own personal therapist.

But have taught me to never give up on what I want. Dont let anybody or anything hold me back, and always always go for your dreams, even if you dont make it you did everything you can. There is much more that i have learned, so of it is much to personal to put here, but in the long run they helped me realize who the real me is, hidding under all the layers I have peeled off.

As many know I am a single mom to my beautiful baby girl who is almost 8 months. Work and go to school full time, but struggle daily. However, I have never gave up my dream. I graduated last December with my undergrad, but dont actually have graduation until next month. I finished out with a 3.9 gpa. I am currently working on my Masters Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy (get the influence?) and despite working and raising my child I am holding a 4.0 GPA, may plan is to graduate with this.

I will say with out their guidence I probably wouldnt be where I am at today. Even though everyday is a struggle I know I will make it in the end.
I have a couple. Both happen to be therapists. One was the school therapist when I was in middle/high school and the other was at one point my own personal therapist.

But have taught me to never give up on what I want. Dont let anybody or anything hold me back, and always always go for your dreams, even if you dont make it you did everything you can. There is much more that i have learned, so of it is much to personal to put here, but in the long run they helped me realize who the real me is, hidding under all the layers I have peeled off.

As many know I am a single mom to my beautiful baby girl who is almost 8 months. Work and go to school full time, but struggle daily. However, I have never gave up my dream. I graduated last December with my undergrad, but dont actually have graduation until next month. I finished out with a 3.9 gpa. I am currently working on my Masters Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy (get the influence?) and despite working and raising my child I am holding a 4.0 GPA, may plan is to graduate with this.

I will say with out their guidence I probably wouldnt be where I am at today. Even though everyday is a struggle I know I will make it in the end.
Another case of true inspiration !!!

Having "known" you through this forum since 2002 when I joined, I have watched you mature into an extraordinary individual. You haven't travelled an easy path, but you've always handled everything with grace and dignity. You are definitely an inspiration. Your daughter is a very fortunate little girl.

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