Who is the daddy??

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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2007
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I might be getting back a mare that I sold over a yr ago. She had a foal but they dont know which stallion is the daddy!!! Is thier a test and if so can you send the link??

If they are registered a simple DNA test will solve the answer. If they are not registered then you could test one and if the results for the off spring are different then the other stallion would be the father.
Ues they are both registered. They ae amha registered. Does anyone have the web site??
I think you wrote they are both AMHA registered. If so, you have to order the DNA kit from AMHA. You will also have to DNA the mare and the foal. Choose which stallion is the most likely and DNA him. If he's not the sire, you will need to DNA the other since the foal is already on the ground I believe. All AMHA horses need to be DNA tested eventually, so this saves you some steps later.

The DNA order form is on the AMHA website.
Yes they are both AMHA reg. The mare was already done and I have the paperwork. It was done throuh Veterinary Genetics Lab
You need to find out if the two possible sires are also DNA-ed.

If they are NOT, then someone gets to send an application for a DNA test for each of them (hopefully they are both registered with AMHA.)

If they have been DNA-ed (and are registered), and since your foal's Dam is DNA-ed, then the final step would be to apply to have the foal DNA-ed when you send in the foal's registration application.

On the form that requests for a DNA Sampling Form, you need to check off the box on the right side of the page. This will make the laboratory compare the foal's parents' DNA to the foal and parent qualify your foal. I would give AMHA the information on both the possible Sires, so the Lab can run the comparison.
I believe that they now parentage qualify all horses and checking the box is no longer necessary. this is a VERY new change as I still had to check the boxes for the foals I DNA'd earlier this year.

Here is the AMHA link to the DNA form:

Thanks. We just figured out the sire. She didnt get her stallion untl 4 months after the mare arrived. The prob was when she left my place the vet siad she wasnt in foal. And surprise she was!! However, we never knew until she foaled, late! So now all that has to be done is the stallion report and late fees!!!! I ddint realize what she was saying when she said the stallion is not known. Because the paper work wasnt done!! UGH!!!!!
How long has she been with stallion #2?? Has it been 10 months? I have had a mare foal almost that early. If you sold her over a year ago, how long from the time you bred her til she foaled? And from the time she was exposed to the second stallion?

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