What are the best onions to grow,long lasting? I want to try carrots,cucumber,onion,radishes,bell peppers and i'll probably do some other stuff to. Any suggestions for a newbie?
We are already WAY behind getting the garden area ready this year, but but by golly over the next two weeks it WILL be well in progress or Mama's (me) is having a hissy fit
I ordered seed from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds yesterday....gasp...let's just say it would keep me in horse grain for about a month!
Here's the list
-----------------Individual Item Breakdown-----------------
Item Ref. Price ea. Qty. Description
AML113 $2.00 1 - Banana
AML123 $3.00 1 - Kansas
AML141 $3.00 1 - Ginger's Pride
AR101 $2.00 1 - Green Globe
AR105 $2.50 1 - Purple of Romagna
AS102 $2.50 1 - Precoce d'Argenteuil
BN102 $1.75 1 - Contender (Buff Valentine)
BN114 $2.75 1 - Purple Podded Pole
BR104 $2.50 1 - Romanesco Italia
BT113 $2.00 1 - Flat of Egypt
BT114 $2.50 1 - Crapaudine
CA102 $2.25 1 - Violetta Italia
CA105 $2.25 1 - Green Macerata
CN105 $3.00 1 - Country Gentleman Sweet Co rn
CN134 $3.50 1 - Chires Baby Corn
CN136 $3.50 1 - Dakota Black Popcorn
CR103 $1.50 1 - Little Finger
CR112 $3.00 1 - Cosmic Purple
CR115 $2.50 1 - Parisienne
CU112 $2.50 1 - Chinese Yellow
CU132 $2.75 1 - Suyo Long
CU147 $3.00 1 - Dragon's Egg
GD110 $1.50 1 - Small Warted Mix (gourds)
GR110 $2.00 1 - Red Wonder Wild Strawberry
GR121 1 - Purple Kiwi
HB125 1 - Cilantro
HB135 1 - Chives - Common
HB152 1 - Cumin
HPP103 1 - Anaheim
HPP104 1 - Tam Jalapeno
LT106 1 - Big Boston (Laitue Lorthoi
LT127 1 - Lollo Rossa
ML106 1 - Boule d'Or (Golden Perfect
OK120 1 - Bowling Red
OK126 1 - Jing Orange
OK127 1 - Louisiana 16 Long Pod
ON108 1 - Tropeana Lunga
ON111 1 - He Shi Ko - Bunching
ON114 1 - Jaune Paille Des Vertus
PP113 1 - Corno di Toro Rosso
PP129 1 - Sweet Yellow Stuffing
PP133 1 - Charleston Belle
PP137 1 - Orange Bell
SB105 1 - Red Wing Lettuce Mix
SC103 1 - Oriole Orange Chard
SN104 1 - Golden Sweet
SN106 1 - Sugar Snap
SP101 1 - Bloomsdale Long Standing
SQ106 1 - Black Futsu
SQ111 1 - Delicata
SQ127 1 - Chicago Warted Hubbard
SQ129 1 - Connecticut Field
SQ133 1 - Marina di Chioggia
SQ135 1 - Queensland Blue
SQ160 1 - Jack Be Little
SQ170 1 - Yugoslavian Finger Fruit
SQ179 1 - Atlantic Giant Pumpkin
SQ183 1 - Baby Blue Hubbard
SQ200 1 - Golden Hubbard
SQ221 1 - Boston Marrow
SQ228 1 - Red Warty Thing or Victor
SSQ102 1 - Lemon Squash
SSQ103 1 - Zucchino Rampicante (Zucca d'Albenga)
SSQ106 1 - Patissons Panache Blanc Et Vert Scallop
SSQ108 1 - Yellow Scallop
TL101 1 - Tomatillo - Purple
TL102 1 - Tomatillo - Verde
TM121 1 - Cuor di Bue
TM128 1 - German Red Strawberry
TM160 1 - Fox Cherry
TM178 1 - Roma Rio Grande
TN111 1 - Petrowski
TO106 1 - Amana Orange
TO116 1 - Illini Gold
TP102 1 - Black Krim
TP106 1 - Black Cherry
TP113 1 - Morado
TS106 1 - Striped Cavern
TS128 1 - Isis Candy Cherry
TY101 1 - Roman Candle
TY110 1 - Plum Lemon
TY114 1 - Egg Yolk
WM127 1 - Orangeglo
WM161 1 - Wilson's Sweet
WM172 1 - Malali