Well-Known Member
I am sooooo happy and since no-one else is home I had to share with somone....I finally got my colt's reigstration papers after sending them in the application at the end of last October!! :488: I have definitely learned my lesson and will not buy a weanling with registration application only again!! I am so glad that the difficulties are over-as it was getting hard knowing what to believe-previous owner would not respond to mine or AMHA's written contact (letters, email, verified mail etc..) and when I did speak with them I was assured that they would look after it on Monday or that they had just spoken to AMHA the day before and everything was in order. Then when I would call AMHA to verify, they had no record of talking to the previous owner!!
: Now I can hardship my boy into AMHR so that I can use him on our mares (that are all AMHR only)!
Also got a copy of the DNA report. Does this tell me anything that I should know other than he is parent qualified? It has a bunch of letters/info...but I don't know what they mean!

Also got a copy of the DNA report. Does this tell me anything that I should know other than he is parent qualified? It has a bunch of letters/info...but I don't know what they mean!