Whose the scumbag?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
Reaction score
Southern, NJ
Can you believe the sour grapes that Judd got last night when he was voted off the island? Hmmm if I remember correctly he's the one who said he had to "play the game" ..."not trust anyone" and he lied to boot as well!!! I was wondering when they were gonna get up enough nerve to pick him off.

Now it's a fight to the finish with the remaining survivors. I think Rafe was holding back...he's pretty athletic and it has showed in the last 2 challenges. I think Lydia is pretty much riding on coat tails....I'm surprised she has'nt been voted out already. Danni has a chance altho she's not very athletic.....if I had to choose a "survivor" right now, my pick would be Steph. Altho she's a little too confident in herself (she needs to be careful) she has given it her all. She's played the game, is very competative, athletic and in challenges you can see her triumps and agony of defeat.

I had to crack up...when Judd voted Lydia off and he said "you sang and danced yourself right out of the jungle"......it came and hit him right upside the head!! Seeeee Yauuh, Judd!!!

Any other predictions?
If Rafe plays his card right he will win it. Of course they all could but the next person to go should be Steph. Can't stand her, she is to arrogant for her own good. That will leave Rafe, Cindy, Danni and Lydia. Take Lydia out and leave the three for the finally challenge, Rafe will win the stamina competition. He will take Cindy and they will vote for Rafe to win.

Oh glad to see Judd leave, he thought he and Steph were unbeatable, never should think that in Survivor.

That was so much fun to watch and I was so happy to see him go, and what a great way to go lol!

I really don't care who wins really. I'm not a huge fan of Survivor anymore but still watch for moments like that.
OMG, I just caught the end of it but I was yelling for joy when I realized that Judd got the boot!!! What an arrogant baboon that guy is!!!!
! That was the rudest departure I hae ever seen on that show. Arrogant BABOON was putting it mildly. Who in the heck do people think they are? (Don't answer that
Bye Bye Judd - Wasn't it funny some put something like juddinator? LOL

My hubby and I think they should get rid of Rafe (because it would be fun to have the finals with women) I just don't like Steph and would love Cindy or Danni to get it. But we will see ;)
Sooooooooo glad to see Judd go.........don't know why he lasted as long

as he did. He is arrogant and obnovious from the top of his head to the tips

of his toes.

I think Lydia has stayed as she is a worker bee.......she's pretty mellow.

Steph can head out next week......

Rafe's a nice guy......hope nice guys do win ballgames.....
LOL---I think I am the only Steph fan! She is a strong player, but let me tell you Cindy is playing pretty well, she is very competitive.....I have say I hope Danni makes it to the final 2 since she is from Kansas!!!! I do like Rafe also, If they vote Lydia off, then I am good..............Finally there would be a final four that actually deserve it! IMO!!!!
I was SO happy to see Judd go.
I have been waiting for that since the first night.

I really liked how he told Jeff, that he didn't care who got voted out, it was good for him no matter what. Guess he changed his mind when the votes were read.


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