Well-Known Member
Well here I go again, adding to my "saga"
It's health problems, pretty severe. Extreme mind numbing pain in my groin, and right leg..wake up every morning but this morning was worst.
I don't sleep much but (have lost 5.5 lbs :bgrin ) Sometimes I'm good to make it to the recliner in mornings.
My arms, hands, back and shoulders go numb and burn as well as my back and my usual screeching pain down my leg.
Today the doctor told me the MRI shows much destruction to my spinal column and nerves. It WILL result in neurosurgery however they are afraid to do it now and I'm of course pertrfied
So for now my doctor is looking for a neurosurgeon to inject steroids into my spine but no-one wants to do it because of me taking Counadin..one said I'd have to go off the blood thinner for 5 days first and they told me today it's up to me if I want to take the risk or not! Also have to go off 4 days to get the root canal scheduled..
now I have appointment with internist specialist to evaluate whether it's safe for me to go off at all.Than the injections then can go back on..scary for me you know.
My inclination is to tell them to arrange the back surgery although extensive just to get it over with. I can't break down and cry like a baby like I did this morning any more. It upset Carl so badly and I just couldn't stop..the pain took me right down..and that was with 2 Vicodin and a Fentynl patch! Course it got better during the day after all that medicine kicked in.
There's more but quitting now..Please preay for my wisdom in this matter.
I don't sleep much but (have lost 5.5 lbs :bgrin ) Sometimes I'm good to make it to the recliner in mornings.
My arms, hands, back and shoulders go numb and burn as well as my back and my usual screeching pain down my leg.
Today the doctor told me the MRI shows much destruction to my spinal column and nerves. It WILL result in neurosurgery however they are afraid to do it now and I'm of course pertrfied
So for now my doctor is looking for a neurosurgeon to inject steroids into my spine but no-one wants to do it because of me taking Counadin..one said I'd have to go off the blood thinner for 5 days first and they told me today it's up to me if I want to take the risk or not! Also have to go off 4 days to get the root canal scheduled..
now I have appointment with internist specialist to evaluate whether it's safe for me to go off at all.Than the injections then can go back on..scary for me you know.
My inclination is to tell them to arrange the back surgery although extensive just to get it over with. I can't break down and cry like a baby like I did this morning any more. It upset Carl so badly and I just couldn't stop..the pain took me right down..and that was with 2 Vicodin and a Fentynl patch! Course it got better during the day after all that medicine kicked in.
There's more but quitting now..Please preay for my wisdom in this matter.