Why won't Obama reach across the aisle?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2004
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Central Missouri
It's was reported this morning that a committee in DC appointed to try to gain control over the ACORN voter registration issue invited Obama to join their bipartisan group. An Obama spokesman told FOX news that it was correct that he would not join the committee. Can't quote any of the reasons but basically it amounted to him saying that it was a joke and nothing would be gained from it.

I'm REALLY not trying to start more arguments but why in the world would he refuse to reach across the aisle for an issue so important to the nation????
My thoughts are that for one, he doesnt have the time with the campaining and two, he chose it safer to just stay completely out. To me, asking him to belong would be like asking a fox to watch the henhouse ( not saying he is guilty, but some people think so) . If he stays out, then he really is out of the loop and anything they decide on, will be on them and no one can come back and say he swayed them one way or the other. jmho
WHy?/ because he is sitting sooo far to the left..he would fall over if he reached!
My thoughts are that for one, he doesnt have the time with the campaining and two, he chose it safer to just stay completely out. To me, asking him to belong would be like asking a fox to watch the henhouse ( not saying he is guilty, but some people think so) . If he stays out, then he really is out of the loop and anything they decide on, will be on them and no one can come back and say he swayed them one way or the other. jmho
I agree, there's no way he would be viewed to be impartial, no matter what the findings are, it's a no-win situtation for him.
Because he might misspeak & tell on himself thus the truth might FINALLY be revealed..... Doesn't want to make waves until he is in the White House. Then he will have the power to still cover it up & keep it swept under the rug................ As I said before more is being revealed about Obama's true self through other people, associations & events then he reveals himself.... But perhaps enough will be found to impeach him! If he would tell the truth, instead of hiding things there would be no need to investigate!

None of us know who Obama really is! All we know is who the national media has made him out to be!!

NObama - I don't have enough wealth to share. Do you want to share yours with Obama - then vote for him!!
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My thoughts are that for one, he doesnt have the time with the campaining and two, he chose it safer to just stay completely out. To me, asking him to belong would be like asking a fox to watch the henhouse ( not saying he is guilty, but some people think so) . If he stays out, then he really is out of the loop and anything they decide on, will be on them and no one can come back and say he swayed them one way or the other. jmho
I agree with this.

Was McCain or any other Presidential candidate asked to be on this group? Did they accept?
Olbermann's definitely not the guy you go to for unbiased commentary, but he is a smart man, and I agree with every single word he said during that segment.

Very timely, too, since at the debate tonight it sounds like McCain plans to skirt the issues and instead ask Obama about Ayers.
I feel a bit sorry for McCain... I do not think he is comfortable with the mudslinging... as he showed in the video where he corrected the crowd and said Obama was a decent man that he just disagreed with. In the meantime, the attack ads continued and even though the disclaimer is as always I am John McCain and I approved this message... I do not think he likes going that route. Yesterday(?) some guy at a rally begged him to go on the attack tonight about Ayers etc. - and the crowd whooped and hollered in glee. Soooo... does he do what the crowd demands? Or what he has shown himself to be - an honorable man who would prefer to stick to the issues? If he flips back to the attack again.... I will feel that his strings are being pulled and that his heart is not in it. JMO.

Did anyone see the 2 hour Frontline on PBS last night? A very good in-depth look at both candidates and how they got to where they are. Including all the missteps or gold stars along the way. I highly recommend it....
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I am starting to see a little bit of the ol John coming out. I think that to get the nomination and the party behind him, he had to play the political game like Rove built for them. I also feel that Colin Powell left out because of this machine. These military men ( and have more morals than most politicians) while they want to play the political game, they dont want to play the bs that comes with it. I know you party republicans will dissagree, but Bush's runs with Rove at the helm, lowered the presidential runs to not a 'who can do better' , but 'who can throw the most mud'. TG it is backfiring.
Pepipony - try to see that Frontline episode if you can. McCain is pressured by the Rove Machine to endorse Bush at a GOP convention. He does not want to do it. Many Republicans are hostile towards him. And yet he gets through it even though he is obviously extremely uncomfortable with it all. I cannot emphasize how good that show was... with all the background behind both candidates making it a compelling - and yes, fair and balanced - examination of their lives and their paths to the Here & Now...
I will have to hunt that show out. People dont realize just how evil a man Rove is, and to me he is evil. Living in TX, I have seen how he has run all of Bush's campaigns. While I dont like mudslinging, I can somewhat see it if they use absolutely truthfull info. I hate it when they spin things or, all out lie , like they did with Kerry and the swiftboat thing. When that happens, it taints that politicans entire image and I can never again, fully trust what they say.
I watched the last debate tonight and am still undecided
I am one that tries to stay out of the political arena but I guess the one thought that keeps coming back to me is what if something happens to McCain & Palin becomes OUR president
I think that McCain had his best debate tonight - but still seemed uncomfortable. His body language made him seem that way, anyway.

I had a few small quibbles with him... no one is pro-abortion as he kept saying. They may be pro-choice - but pro-abortion? No. And how did Sarah Palin suddenly become an expert on special needs kids? Little Trig is only months old - and has Down Syndrome. So why all the references to autism? Does Palin also have an autistic child or is McCain simply mixing up autism and Down Syndrome? I found that a bit confusing...

If Palin became President then maybe Joe Sixpack or Joe Plumber could be VP...
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Joe the Plumber has become an over night celebrity.

Edited - I think Bob Schieffer was by far the best moderator of the 4 debates. He asked much better questions than the others did and gave each candidate time to respond. Good Job Bob!!
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but still seemed uncomfortable. His body language made him seem that way, anyway.
.....Some of which is probably due to the scars from his torture while a POW limiting his movements .......

As for Obama - As someone said after the last debate I wanted to slap the sneers off of Obama's face last night!
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wonderful now we are going to resort to "slapping" faces oh good! I don't blame Obama for the look on his face last night as many times he had just finished stating his position and in would come good old John saying that his opponent was advocating the total opposite. Does John McCain have a hearing problem or does he just not listen. Scary thought that is in the international scene I tell ya. He is going to think he hear something but it's the total opposite. Doesn't that build wonderful confidence.
wonderful now we are going to resort to "slapping" faces oh good! I don't blame Obama for the look on his face last night as many times he had just finished stating his position and in would come good old John saying that his opponent was advocating the total opposite. Does John McCain have a hearing problem or does he just not listen. Scary thought that is in the international scene I tell ya. He is going to think he hear something but it's the total opposite. Doesn't that build wonderful confidence.
I asked Steve last night if McCain really believed what he was saying about Obama, was he lying or is it as simple as him believing what's he's told by his advisors, no matter the obvious evidence to the contrary...all of those possibilities scare the crap out of me!

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